    关键词:图像退化  图像增强  直方图均衡化  同态滤波  Retinex算法
    Title    The Research of Foggy Iamge Enhancement Processing
    Nowadays, image ,which contains a large amount of information,  became an important source of information. However, due to the influence of more and more fog and haze,the image got through the existing imaging system deteriorates seriously, resulting in the low quality. Therefore, studying the processing method of fog degradation image is of pratical significance.
    This paper first briefly introduced two kinds of method of image restoration based on the visual image and the degradation mechanism of foggy images. Then from the view of image enhancement, two kinds of histogram equalization method are discussed, the global histogram equalization and local area histogram equalization, then proposed an improved algorithm. The homomorphic filtering method is discussed as well. Finally, the image enhancement method that based on Retinex theory is recommended, discussing the Global Retinex, SSR, MSR and MSRCR algorithm respectively, then proposed an improved algorithm using both global Retinex and MSR. The simulation results show that the these kinds of algorithm are better than the histogram equalization and homomorphic filtering, and they can enhance the degraded image effectively.
    Keywords  image degradation  image enhancement  histogram equalization  homomorphic filtering   Retinex algorithm
     目   录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  研究现状    2
    1.3  论文研究工作和内容安排    3
    2  视觉成像原理及图像退化模型    5
    2.1  视觉成像原理    5
    2.2  图像退化模型    5
    2.3  经典图像复原算法    6
    3  直方图均衡化    9
    3.1  全局直方图均衡化    9
    3.2  局部直方图均衡化    12
    3.3  本章小结    15
    4  同态滤波    17
    4.1  基本原理    17
    4.2  算法介绍    17
    4.3  结果分析    19
    4.4  本章小结    20
    5  基于Retinex的雾天图像增强算法    21
    5.1  Retinex理论    21
    5.2  全局 Retinex 算法    22
    5.3  SSR算法    24
    5.4. MSR算法    29
    5.5  MSRCR算法    31
    5.6  综合全局与MSR的算法改进    33
    5.7  本章小结    35
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