Abstract:Offset Reflector Antenna are increasingly used on-board communication and broadcast satellites to achieve efficient coverage of irregularly shaped regions on earth and to minimise interference outside the coverage boundaries.
In this paper, the precise feed positions and shaping techniques of single offset reflector antennas are well studied. The major works of this thesis can be summarized as follows:
Firstly, the method of the reflector parameterized by Zernike polynomial expansion is introduced. And the sensitivity of the reflector shape and the far-field radiation pattern to the variation of the Zernike polynomial expansion coefficients are studied for the single offset reflector antennas.
Secondly, the methods of choosing sampling points and selecting fitness function are introduced. the basic principle of Gaussian bat algorithm (GBA) is introduced. With these methods, the design flow of contoured reflector beam antennas is studied.
Last, several different examples verify the validity of the beam forming method. A contoured beam covering the China’s territory region with the desired directivity is obtained by shaping the single offset reflector antennas.
Keywords: Shaped reflector, Optimization algorithm,Zernike,Bat algorithm
摘 要 3
Abstract 4
目 录 5
1绪论 7
1.1研究背景及意义 7
1.3本文的主要内容及文章结构 9
2反射面天线性能分析的基本理论 10
2.1单偏置反射面天线的几何结构 10
2.2单反射面天线分析中的坐标转换 11
2.2.1远场平面和天线坐标系的转换 11
2.2.2直角坐标系与球坐标系的转换关系 12
2.2.3不同直角坐标系的转换 14
2.3反射面天线的馈源 16
2.3.1理想高斯馈源的表达式 16
2.3.2理想高斯馈源的方向图 18