    摘要:图像分割是图像处理中的一项基本而又关键的技术,是目标识别和图像解释的前提,多年来一直受到广泛关注。图像分割问题的典型定义就是如何在图像处理过程中将图像中的一致性区域和感兴趣对象提取出来,是把图像分成若干个特定的、具有独特性质的区域并提出感兴趣目标的技术和过程。它是由图像处理到图像分析的关键步骤。现有的图像分割方法主要分为基于阈值的分割方法、基于区域的分割方法、基于边缘的分割方法以及基于特定理论的分割方法等。本论文将首先对图像分割方法进行综述,然后主要针对两种关键的图像分割技术Mean-shift和K均值聚类方法进行研究,并用Matlab GUI设计系统实现算法,并对算法结果进行分析比较。27719
    毕业论文关键词:    图像分割;基于阈值;基于区域;Mean-shift ;K均值聚类
    Study on Color Image Segmentation Schemes
    Abstract: Image segmentation is a basic image processing and critical technologies, is a prerequisite for object recognition and image interpretation, and over the years has attracted widespread attention. A typical definition image segmentation problem is how to process the image in the image area and the consistency of the object of interest is extracted. Image segmentation is the image into a number of specific and unique nature of the region and proposed technologies and processes target of interest. It is a key step in the image processing to the image analysis. Existing image segmentation method is pided into the following categories: threshold-based segmentation method based on region segmentation method, based on segmentation and edge segmentation method based on a particular theory. This paper gives a review, and mainly studies the segmentation algorithms of mean-shift and K-means, and designs a relative system using Matlab GUI, and finally compares and analyzes the performance of the two algorithms.
    Keywords:    Image Segmentation; Threshold-based; Area-based; Mean-Shift; K-means
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  图像分割简介    1
    1.1.1  图像分割定义    1
    1.1.2  图像分割的发展及现状    2
    1.1.3  图像分割的应用    4
    1.2  图像分割研究的意义    4
    2  图像分割方法    5
    2.1  K均值聚类    5
    2.1.1  聚类    5
    2.1.2  K均值聚类    5
    2.1.3  K均值聚类算法    5
    2.1.4  K均值聚类存在的问题    6
    2.2  均值漂移算法(MEAN SHIFT)    7
    2.2.1  简介    7
    2.2.2 基本均值漂移    7
    2.2.3  拓展的均值漂移    8
    2.2.4  均值漂移算法步骤    10
    2.2.5  Mean shift的应用    11
    2.2.6  Mean shift优缺点    13
    3 演示系统设计与算法实现    14
    3.1  读取原图像模块    14
    3.2  MEANSHIFT分割处理模块    16
    3.3  K均值分割处理模块    18
    4 结论    21
    致谢    22
    参考文献    23
    1  绪论
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