    摘要:本次课题主要利用基于FPGA芯片的开发板实现摩尔斯编解码技术。本系统将摩尔斯码点和划替换为高低电平进行模拟,主要利用Spartan-3E FPGA芯片,将要发送的摩尔斯码进行编码后发送至接收端,再由接收端对收到的信号进行解码,将单个码元以及译码结果同步显示至译码管上,同时电路具有保护系统,保证了整个系统的有效执行,确保电路的安全稳定工作环境。本系统的优点在于能够将摩尔斯码进行数字化调制与解调,便于储存和传输,并具有一定的纠错能力和按键防抖功能;Basys2提供了完整、随时可以使用的硬件平台,板上集成了大量的 I/O设备和FPGA所需的支持电路,能够构建无数的设计而不需要其他器件,降低了成本,便于仿真和调试。27754
    毕业论文关键词: FPGA;摩尔斯电码;编解码技术;Basys2开发板
    Design of Morse codec based on FPGA
    Abstract: This project mainly uses the development board to achieve the Morse coding and decoding technology based on FPGA chip. The Morse code dots and dashes replaced carry on the simulation for high and low level, mainly use spartan-3e FPGA chip, the Morse code to be transmitted to the receiving end after the coding, then the signal received by the receiver to decode the results of a single symbol and decoding simultaneously displayed to the decoder pipe, while the circuit has a protection system to ensure the effective implementation of the entire system, to ensure safe and stable working environment of the circuit. digitize Morse code modulation and demodulation, easy to store and transport, and has a certain error correction capability and anti-shake function keys; Basys2 provides a complete, ready to use hardware platform.The board is integrated with a lot of support circuitry required for I/O devices and FPGA to build a myriad of design without the need for other devices, reduce the cost, ease of emulation and debugging.
    Key words: FPGA ; Morse code ;Codec technology ;Basys2 development board
    1 引言    1
    1.1 课题背景    1
    1.2 课题目的和意义    2
    1.3 课题的主要内容    2
    2  MORSE 历史起源与发展    4
    3 总体方案设计    7
    3.1 硬件平台选择    7
    3.2 硬件描述语言    7
    3.3 系统工作过程    8
    4 软硬件开发环境    9
    4.1 硬件开发环境    9
    4.2 软件开发环境    11
    4.2.1 Max+plus II    11
    4.2.2 ISE Design Suite 14.7    13
    4.2.3 Digilent Adept    15
    5 MORSE编码设计    17
    5.1 Spartan-3E FPGA芯片介绍    17
    5.2 时钟频率    18
    5.3 模拟电键发声    19
    6 MORSE解码设计    21
    6.1 解码设计思想    21
    6.2 解码过程分析    22
    6.2.1 数据传输与存储    22
    6.2.2 逻辑设计    23
    6.3 状态机设计    23
    6.4 异常情况处理    26
    7 显示设计    27
    8 系统调试与测试    30
    8.1 电路连接    30
    8.2 导入开发板    31
    8.3 逻辑验证    33
    9 总结与分析    35
    致谢    37
    参考文献    38
    1 引言
    随着半导体设计方法和工艺技术的迅速发展,当今的制造工艺能够提供更丰富更高速的逻辑、更快的I/0以及更低价位的新一代可编程逻辑器件。比较常用的为现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)。为满足应用需求,FPGA在硬件层面控制输入和输出(I/ O)提供了更快速的响应时间和更专业化的功能。本次课题就是基于FPGA的摩尔斯编解码设计。
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