    关键词   平面检测    超声波测距   
    Title   The Design of Plane Detection System
    With the development of automatic measurement and computer technology, the plane detection technology is gradually perfected. In modern society, plane detection  technology has been widely applied to the daily lives of people, The non-contact plane detection system has gradually replaced the contact detection technology with its advantages of high accuracy, non-contact and high stability, and has become an important method of modern detection technology. The measurement method of plane detection technology is various, for example: the laser plane detection technology, ultrasonic ranging plane detection technology etc. In this paper,we combine the basic principle of ultrasonic distance measurement with the microcontroller related knowledge, design a low cost, high-precision, easily operated plane detection system.
    Keywords:   Plane detection Ultrasonic ranging
     目   录
    1  绪论    3
    1.1  研究背景及意义    3
    1.2  国内外研究现状    4
    1.3  本文主要的研究内容    4
    1.4  本文结构安排    5
    2  平面检测系统    6
    2.1  简述    6
    2.2  系统总结构    6
    2.3  系统设计流程    7
    2.4  从超声波测距到平面检测    8
    2.5  本章小结    9
    3  硬件设计    10
    3.1  简介    10
    3.2  硬件电路设计方案    10
    3.3  核心器件    11
        3.3.1  单片机AT89C52    11
        3.3.2  CX20106A    13
        3.3.3  DS18B20模块    13
    3.4  硬件设计单元    15
        3.4.1  主控制器电路    15
        3.4.2  复位电路    15
        3.4.3  超声波测距电路    16
        3.4.4  液晶显示电路    17
        3.4.5  电源电路    17
        3.4.6  时钟电路    18
    4  系统软件设计    19
    4.1  超声波测距系统主程序流程图    20
    4.2  定时器初始化程序设计    21
    4.3  超声波发送程序设计    21
    4.4  LCD屏的编程    22
    5  仿真电路的设计    28
    6  系统的调试及分析    30
    6.1  系统硬件实物图    30
    6.2  HC-SR04超声波测距模块    30
    6.3  关于平面检测的误差分析    31
    结束语    32
    致  谢    33
    附录    35
    1  绪论
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