    关键词 图像配准  互信息  汉明窗插值  powell算法
    Title  Dual-spectral image registration technology research
    Image registration is the basic aspects of image fusion technology, and only after the registration of images to effective integration. The so-called image registration is to match the two images or multiple images of the same scene taken at different times, different sensors or different perspectives, the overlay process. In this paper, the mutual information registration algorithm.
    The mutual information registration algorithm that has a common anatomical structure of the two images to achieve the best with time, the overlap of mutual information reaches its maximum corresponding to the pixel gray. Image pixel gray can be seen as a random variable can be used joint probability Marginal probability distribution theory and information entropy theory to seek the mutual information of two images. For interpolation, the interpolation of this paper, we propose Hamming window greatly to avoid local minima. For solving the maximum mutual information, this improvement Powell optimization algorithm speed, high accuracy.
    Finally, the present work are summarized, and future direction for further research.
    Keywords Image registration   Mutual information   Han ming window   Interpolation algorithm Powell
    目 次
    1  绪论    5
    1.1  图像配准概念    5
    1.2 图像配准技术的研究背景和意义    5
    1.3 图像配准的国内外发展状况    6
    1.4 论文研究内容及结构    7
    2   图像配准概述    8
    2.1 图像配准的数学描述和变换模型    8
    2.2  图像配准的一般过程    11
    2.3 配准方法分类    13
    3  最大互信息配准法    15
    3.1 熵和联合熵    15
    3.2  互信息量    16
    3.3 归一化互信息    17
    3.4 互信息的计算    17
    3.5  优化算法    18
    3.6  插值技术    21
    3.7 局部极值问题的研究克服及新插值算法的提出    21
    3.8  本章小结    23
    4 实验仿真与结果    23
    4.1 最大互信息测度曲线    23
    4.2 配准结果    24
    4.3 本章小结    24
    致 谢    26
    参 考 文 献    26
    1  绪论
    1.1  图像配准概念
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