    摘要: 2008年8月1日,中国第一条真正意义的高速铁路—350km/h的京津城际高速铁路开通运营以来,中国高速铁路开始了持续快速的发展。然而,高速铁路的发展,意着我国对于牵引供电系统的可靠性有了更高的要求。因此,在发展高速铁路牵引供电系统的同时,如何利用已有一定规模的保护原理与装置,并针对高速铁路牵引供电系统的自有特点,修正与完善原有的保护配置方案,并得出合理的保护原则,对我国高速铁路的发展尤为重要。35089
    本次设计着重分析了高速铁路供电系统的一些特点,并且在分析牵引供电系统功能和保护的基础上, 结合电气化铁路的设备现状和运行实际,对高速铁路的牵引供电系统进行了设计和分析,可用于掌握轨道交通牵引供电系统一次设备以及继电保护、控制、测量、信号等自动化设备的工作原理、功能使用、操作文护、故障排查等实用技术。对高速铁路牵引供电系统原理及相关保护的研究有理论和实际意义。
    Design of electrical and protective instruments for high speed railway traction power supply system
    Abstract:In August 1st, 2008, the first truly high-speed rail, Beijing-Tianjin intercity 350km/h high-speed railway opened and operation, the Chinese high-speed railway began to have a sustainable development. However, the development of the high-speed railway means that our country has the higher request for the reliability of traction power supply system. Therefore, at the same time of developing high-speed railway traction power supply system, how to use a certain scale of protection principle and device, aiming at the high-speed railway traction power supply system of its own characteristics, amending and perfecting the original  protection configuration scheme and draw reasonable protection principle, especially important to the development of the high-speed railway in our country .
    The design focuses on the analysis of some characteristics of power supply system of high-speed railway, and on the foundation of analysis of traction power supply system function and protection, combined with the railway electrification equipment status and the actual operation, designed and analyzed the high-speed railway traction power supply system.  Available for master rail traction power supply system once equipment and relay protection, control, measurement, signal, working principle, function, operation and maintenance, troubleshooting, etc. practical technology. The research on the principle and the related protection of the traction power supply system of high speed railway has theoretical and practical significance.
    Keyword:High-speed railway; traction power supply; power supply mode; feed protection
    目  录
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    论文的研究目的和意义    1
    1.2    高速铁路牵引供电系统国内外的发展    1
    1.2.1    国外研究发展水平    1
    1.2.2    国内研究发展水平    3
    1.3    本论文的研究内容    3
    2    高速铁路牵引供电系统分析    4
    2.1    牵引供电系统概述    4
    2.2    牵引供电系统的构成和供电回路    5
    2.3    牵引网的供电方式    6
    2.3.1    按牵引网设备类型分类    6
    2.4.2  按分区所运行状态分类    9
    3    高速铁路牵引供电模拟系统设计    11
    3.1    牵引变电所模拟系统    11
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