    关键词 空间偏振编码信号  椭圆偏振光  高速实时测量    偏振分束棱镜 琼斯矩阵
    Title   Design of the Optic System to Recognize and Measure the Polarized Light Dynamically                                
    In the study of the spatial polarization encoding technology, the light field of the regular polarization state is created. When missile travels in the light field, the information of polarization can be used to determine the information of location. Therefore, a technique that used to measure the signal of the spatial polarization encoding is studied in this paper. Several parameters of the representation of polarized light is analyzed to choose the most suitable representation of the parametric which is used to describe the nature of elliptically polarized light. Comparison between the techniques of the conventional measurement and techniques of high-speed & real-time measurement polarized light has been analyzed. What’s more, the device of the optical receiving system which uses the high-speed & real-time measurement has been constructed. Some components of the optical receiving system, such as 1/4 wave plate, polarization beam splitting prism is introduced in detail. Furthermore, the error of the optical system is described. A method to deal with the data of experiment which can offset the effect of the missile’s rotation is raised. The method to deduct the coordinates of light filed which correspond to the polarization state of light is put forward.
    Keywords  spatial polarization encoding        elliptically polarized light        high-speed & real-time measurement        polarization beam splitter prism          Jones matrix
    1. 绪论    1
    1.1 引言    1
    1.2 选题背景    2
    1.3 本文研究内容    2
    2.    偏振光的基本知识    4
    2.1 偏振光的基本参数介绍    4
    2.2偏振光的矩阵表示方式    6
    3.    目标光场的分析    9
    3.1 目标光场的获得    9
    3.2 目标光场的性质    10
    4.    光学系统设计    12
    4.1 偏振光的测量原理    12
    4.2 光学系统的设计    13
    4.3 影响接收系统的因素    22
    4.3.5 其他误差    26
    5.  光场坐标与偏振态的关系    27
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