    Track signals in rail transportation belong to a core technology. Ensuring the train operational speed and safety has played an irreplaceable role. At present our country is given priority to track circuit, using digital modulation technology based on the track circuit, the main problem is the short of the number of transmission and cannot meet the needs of train operation control system. This type of problem presents a new type of modulation and demodulation technique for orthogonal frequency pision multiplexing, it has a strong anti-interference ability, high channel utilization, information and capacity advantages. OFDM simulation based on Matlab in the paper shows its characteristics, provided theoretical support for the practical application of the subject.
    Using the Matlab software, sending and receiving the part of the OFDM simulation model is established, and simulation, has proved it can maximize the use of spectrum resources, each carrier can parallel transmission, so it can improve the transfer of information. OFDM is compared to the FM modulation used in the UM2000 system, verify the subject's practicability.
    KEYEORDS track circuit, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, information transmission
    1 绪论    1
     1.1 课题研究的目的与选题背景    1
     1.2 课题研究的主要内容    2
     1.3 课题大体结构安排    2
    2 轨道电路    3
     2.1 轨道电路的工作原理    3
     2.2 轨道电路的国内外发展现状    4
     2.3 轨道电路的分类    5
    3 调制方法的汇总    7
     3.1 引言    7
     3.2 ASK    7
     3.3 PSK    7
     3.4 FSK    8
     3.5 QAM    8
     3.6 MSK    8
     3.7 GMSK    9
    4 OFDM原理及应用    10
     4.1 引言    10
      4.1.1 OFDM技术的特点    10
     4.2 OFDM系统的调制与解调    11
     4.3 OFDM系统参数选择    12
     4.4 OFDM系统中处理信号的关键技术    13
      4.4.1 信号的同步技术    13
      4.4.2 信道估计技术    14
      4.4.3 降低OFDM符号的峰均值比    15
      4.4.4 OFDM的技术优点    16
     4.5 OFDM的应用    16
      4.5.1 数字音频广播    16
      4.5.2 非对称数字用户线    17
    5 OFDM技术在轨道电路中的应用分析与仿真    19
     5.1 引言    19
     5.2 OFDM发送模块    19
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