

    系统北斗信号接收模块选用MB100 OEM板卡,微处理器模块选择ATMEL公司的Atmega128单片机。系统所需实现的功能主要为接收原始的北斗卫星信息,进行数据处理,与DR部分的数据相融合,最后显示路径等导航信息。本文还通过实验对系统的功能做了具体的评估,验证了系统的可行性。根据实际研究情况对本课题进行总结,对今后工作提出展望。

    毕业论文关键词  北斗导航  DR导航  ATMEGA128  路径显示 组合导航


    Title    Design of Beidou Navigation System 


    Nowadays, the information technology has been developing rapidly, and the navigation system has penetrated into both military and civilian fields. With the development of auto industry and the applications of vehicle,the technology of vehicle Navigation is getting more recognition. The navigators widely used nowadays are based on GPS, but Beidou Navigation System independently researched and developed by China has been gradually completed and the Navigation system combined with DR Navigation system has been studied already. In this paper, we mainly research the combine of Beidou and DR Navigation System.

    We choose MB100 OEM to receive the SAT-IF and Atmega128 produced by ATMEL to be the MCU. The function of the system is mainly to receive the original Beidou information, data processing, combination of Beidou and DR data and finally show the path. In this paper, the function of the system is evaluated, and the feasibility of the system is verified.. According to the actual situation of the research, this paper will sum up the future work and put forward the prospect of the future.

    Keywords  Beidou Navigation  DR Navigation   ATMEGA128  Route Display  Combined Navigation 


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景与意义 1

    1.2 技术发展现状 2

    1.2.1 北斗导航卫星发展现状 2

    1.2.2  组合导航系统 2

    1.3  论文内容总体安排 3

    2  系统总体设计 4

    2.1  DR导航系统的原理 4

    2.2  融合算法 5

    2.3  AVR128单片机 6

    2.4  MAX232芯片 7

    2.5  MB100 OEM板卡 7

    2.6  QVTC02液晶显示控制器 8

    2.7  电子罗盘 9

    2.8  本章小结 9

    3  系统硬件设计 10

    3.1  硬件总体设计 10

    3.2  处理器模块电路 10

    3.3 供电模块 10

    3.4  电平转换及串口通讯部分

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