    Title   Implementation and Simulation of routing protocol based on Network coding  
    With the development of the Internet of Things, the wireless network routing technology has become an important area of research while the Wireless Network Coding (COPE routing protocol)is a hot topic in the field. COPE program combines the Network coding and wireless network and exploits the broadcast nature of nodes to simplify the coding procedure from the metric operation to an XOR operation, thereby reducing the complexity of the algorithm. The paper uses the network simulation software NS2 to simulate the AODV algorithm which is a traditional wireless routing protocol ; design and simulate the network coding scheme COPE on the basis .Moreover, it selects a typical X-type topology as its simulation environment,and the performance comparison are made between the two protocols.
    The experimental results show that the wireless network throughput and average end-to-end delay have been greatly improved after using the COPE program which are compared with the traditional AODV routing protocol .
    Keywords: COPE , AODV , network coding  , network simulation
    目  次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景及意义    1
    1.2  研究现状    1
    1.3  论文组织结构    2
    2  路由协议及网络仿真工具简介    2
    2.1  无线自组网的路由协议    2
    2.2 网络仿真工具NS简介    4
    2.3  NS2中的无线网络    5
    3  AODV协议的仿真    5
    3.1  AODV协议原理    5
    3.2  AODV协议在NS2中的仿真    8
    3.3  AODV协议的安全技术    12
    4  COPE协议的仿真    13
    4.1  网络编码的原理    13
    4.2  网络编码协议COPE实现方案    14
    4.3  COPE协议基于AODV的设计    16
    5  路由协议的仿真实验及分析    23
    5.1  tcl文件的编写    23
    5.2  awk分析文件的编写    25
    5.3  利用gnuplot绘制分析结果    28
    结  论    32
    致  谢    33
    参 考 文 献    34
    1  绪论
    1.1  课题背景及意义
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