    关键词  数字图像处理  稀疏表示   正则化  图像重建7090
    Title   Image reconstruction  algorithm  based on the sparse representation
    Images in the process of acquisition, storage, and transmission are subject to specific noise pollution, which can cause the decline in image quality. So, the image denoising reconstruction is an important issue in image processing. Its goal is to restore the original image as far as possible by a series of operations .In recent years, the sparse representation theory has been widespread concerned. Its theoretical basis is that a clean image with a certain smoothness exists sparse in an appropriate complete sub Highness or designing appropriate dictionary.  We can get the purpose of denoising by finding the image in the dictionary under the sparse  selecting .Reconstruction of the image is one of the important topics of image processing, that is trying to use some a priori knowledge to rebuild or restore the degraded image , and ultimately reach the purpose to improve the given image. After decades of development, image restoration techniques are gradually formed a unified theoretical framework .This paper based on the sparse representation of two different dictionaries, and at the same time to achieve recovery based on the sparse regularization of the image signal. Experimental dismissal the curvelet dictionary has better adaptability than the wavelet  dictionary.
    Keywords  Digital image processing  sparse  regularization  image reconstruction
          目   次  
    1  引言    1
    1.1  课题的背景    1
    1.2  数字图像处理的概念    1
    1.3  小波理论与曲波理论    2
    1.4  文章的组织    2
    2  信号表示理论    3
    2.1  基    3
    2.2  框架    3
    2.3  字典    4
    2.4  信号的稀疏表示    4
    2.5  压缩感知    8
    3  小波与曲波    9
    3.1  小波分析    9
    3.2  曲波分析    14
    3.3  总结    17
    4  图像信号复原方法    17
    4.1  信号去噪    18
    4.2  信号反卷积    19
    4.3  信号超分辨率重建    19
    4.4  信号分离    19
    4.5  凸优化算法    20
    5  实验研究    22
    5.1  基于小波字典的稀疏重建    22
    5.2  基于曲波字典的稀疏重建    22
    5.3  研究结果    23
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