    数据和信息。串行通信的数据传输方式是串行的,即数据是一位一位的进行传输。串行接口的应用非常广泛。 对于一个设备的处理器来说,要接收和发送串行通信的数据,还需要一个器件将串行的数据转换为并行数据以便于处理器进行处理,将待发送的并行数据转换为串行数据发送出去,这个器件就是UART。
    UART的全称是通用异步收发器,其功能是辅助处理器与串行设备之间的通信,本文从研究串行通信的基本工作过程和所处理的数据流的格式入手,设计UART的结构,并利用大规模可编程器件FPGA来实现UART电路。本课题论文使用Quartus II 9.0软件作为开发平台,以VHDL语言作为软件开发工具完成基于FPGA的通用异步收发器的设计。 此外,设计验证方案并将电路下载到以ALTERA公司的Cyclone II系列中的EP2C8Q208C8N芯片为核心的开发板上,从而对所设计的UART的功能进行实物验证。7879
    关键词  串行通信  UART  FPGA  VHDL
    Title    Design of  UART based on FPGA                     
    In data communications、computer networks and distributed systems, often using serial communication to exchange data and information. The data transmission of serial communication is serial, it means data is transported as bit. Serial interface is widely used. It need a device to convert the serial data into parallel data for processing and to transmitted in parallel data waited for send into serial data  for a processor of a device to send and receive serial data.
    The full name of UART is asynchronous receiver-transmitter, its function is to assist serial communication between processor with devices. this paper start form studying the basic serial communication process and the format of data stream processed, to design UART structure and use of programmable logic device FPGA to realize the UART circuit. This paper uses the Quartus II 9 software as the development platform and use VHDL language as software development tool to complete the design of universal asynchronous receiver transmitter based on FPGA. In addition, design verification plan and downloads circuit to the development board cored with the chip of ALTERA company's Cyclone series of II EP2C8Q208C8N , thereby mace physical verification of the design of the UART function
    Keywords  Serial communication   UART  FPGA  VHDL
    目   次

    1  绪论  1
    1.1    研究背景及意义  1
    1.2    本文研究的主要内容与成果  2
    1.3    本设计所采用的开发平台  2
    1.4    本文内容安排  2
    2  系统原理概述  3
    2.1  UART通信过程  3
    2.2  系统结构设计  4
    2.3  子模块功能描述  5
    2.4  发送和接收过程工作流程图  7
    3  系统及模块设计  9
    3.1  UART内核  9
    3.2  移位寄存器-计数器模块设计   11
    3.3  信号检测器模块设计  14
    3.4  波特率发生器模块设计  16
    3.5  奇偶校验器模块设计  17
    3.6  总线选择器模块设计  18
    3.7  UART总体仿真  18
    4  UART功能验证  23
    4.1  验证方案设计  23
    4.2  数制转换模块  24
    4.3  显示译码模块  24
    4.4  验证方案总体电路及验证结果  25
    结论 27
    致谢 29
    参考文献 30
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