毕业论文关键词: Contourlet变换 多尺度几何分析 空域变换增强 频域增强
Title Research on image enhancement technology based on Contourlet transform
Abstract Image enhancement is to make the image match human visual response characteristics or to help the computer to understand the image, and targeted to the whole or part of the image to improve the technology。 At present, according to the different processing space of image enhancement technology, it can be pided into two categories: spatial domain enhancement method and frequency domain enhancement method。 Spatial domain enhancement method to achieve the purpose of image processing, the frequency domain method is first to some mathematical transformation of the image, and then indirectly in the frequency domain。
This paper describes the image enhancement in the spatial domain transform enhancement, spatial filtering and frequency domain enhancement of the basic principles, and combined with the experimental analysis and induction。 This paper focuses on the theoretical basis of Contourlet transform, namely the two aspects of Laplacian Pyramid and directional filter banks, and analyzes the implementation process of Contourlet transform。 Experiments with infrared images show that the Contourlet transform can effectively enhance the image。
Keywords: Contourlet Transform Spatial domain transform enhancement transform Multiscale geometric analysis Frequency domain enhancement
1 绪论 1
1。1 研究背景和意义 1
1。2。1图像增强概述 1
1。2。2 Contourlet变换研究现状 2
1。3 本文主要工作内容 3
2 传统图像增强算法介绍 5
2。1空间域变换增强 5
2。1。1直接灰度变换 5
2。1。2 直方图均衡化 6
2。1。3 直方图规定化 7
2。2 空间域滤波增强 9
2。2。1 图像平滑滤波器 9
2。2。2 图像锐化滤波器 9
2。3 频率域变换增强 11
2。3。1 低通滤波器 11
2。3。2 高通滤波器 12
2。4 传统图像增强算法存在的不足