    摘要:    本文叙述了基于DSP的数据采集所用到硬件的管脚说明,编写程序是所用到编程语言,CCS开发环境以及各类硬件的初始化方法。本程序根据采样定理设置了采样频率,并基于TMS320C6713开发。TI为TMS320提供了系列的C语言编译器。将标准C源文件编译成相应片种的会变语言源代码文件,然后进行汇编和连接,生成可执行目标文件。通过设置试验箱的信号发生器来控制信号类型、信号频率和信号振幅。此时便有信号输入音频芯片AIC23的输入端(利用此芯片同样可以进行AD采集)。运行编写好的程序,可以观察收到的采集到的数据和显示的图像,数据保存在DDataBuffer数组中,图像显示的即为DDataBuffer数组。通过改变信源类型采集不同的数据到DDataBuffer数组中。10526
    关键词:    DSP;数据采集;AD转换;C语言;CCS
    Design of DSP-based data acquisition program
    Abstract:     This paper describes the DSP-based data acquisition hardware used in the pin description of the preparation of the program is the programming language used, CCS development environment and a variety of hardware initialization method. This program is set up according to the sampling theorem the sampling frequency, and based on the TMS320C6713 development. TI provides for the TMS320 series of C language compiler. The standard C source file is compiled into a corresponding piece kind of become language source code files, and then assembled and linked to produce an executable object file. By setting the chamber to the control signal generator type, the signal frequency and the signal amplitude. At this point there will be signal input audio chip AIC23 input (use this chip can also be AD acquisition). Run write good program, can be observed to collect the received image data and display data stored in the DDataBuffer array is DDataBuffer image display array. By changing the source type to a different data collection DDataBuffer array.
    Keywords:    DSP; Data collection; AD conversion; C program; CCS
    1绪论    1
    1.1    基于DSP的数据采集的意义    1
    1.2    数据采集    3
    1.3    课题来源    6
    2    基于TMS320C6713的数据采集    7
    2.1    采样定理    7
    2.2    TMS320C6713    7
    2.3    c语言    9
    2.4    调试工具CCS6000集成开发环境    11
    2.4.1    CCS常用文件介绍    13
    2.4.2    CCS常用指令简介    14
    3    采集程序设计    17
    3.1    硬件介绍    17
    3.1.1    TLV320AIC23B芯片    17
    3.1.2    I2C总线?    19
    3.1.3    MCASP接口    20
    3.2    流程图    22
    3.3    设计思路    22
    3.4    关键代码    23
    3.4.1    I2C初始化代码    23
    3.4.2    AD采样代码    24
    3.4.3    6713初始化代码    24
    3.4.4    McASP初始化代码    29
    4    数据采集    33
    4.1    操作步骤    33
    4.2    数据采集流程图    34
    4.3    遇到的问题    35
    4.4    采集结果    35
    5    小结与展望    38
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