毕业论文关键词:新四军; 华中抗日根据地; 经济建设
The New Fourth Army in the Anhui-Japan Base Area of Economic Construction
This paper focuses on the base itself there are some economic problems and difficulties in Anhui, the prevailing social environment, the natural environment is analyzed。 After the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese war, China's social contradictions have changed。 Army created three pieces of anti-Japanese base area in Anhui Province, carried out a series of economic construction。 To ensure war of smooth for, support Front battlefield, army led base people for has including agricultural, and industrial, and financial, aspects of economic construction, adjusting measures to local conditions, developed has and reality phase combined of economic construction policy, active development various factory construction,, efforts improve people of living, and improved people of life and economic status, and made has is big of effectiveness, for captured war of victory, up to has is important of role。
KEY WORD: the New Fourth Army; the Huazhong Anti-Japan Base Area; the Economic Construct
前 言 4
一、根据地经济建设的开始 5
1。安徽境内抗日根据地的建立 5
2。安徽抗日根据地源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766 经济建设开始 6
二、积极增加工农业生产 8
1。“减租减息”和“农业互助合作” 9
2。生产运动与救灾救荒 11
3。集中资源,发展工业 12
三、积极推进财政金融事业 13
1。设立货检处和发展边区贸易商业 13
2。建立规范的财政制度 14
3。开展对敌金融斗争 16
结 语 18
参考文献 19
致谢 21
前 言