    ABSTRACT   Dante said,Love,the people are looking forward to raising it to the habitat for excellence.No matter at all times and in all countries is an eternal subject, love, everyone has the right to enjoy love the pursuit of love, at the same time, each person to love the interpretation and views are not the same. Tolstoy as the nineteenth Century Russian critical realism literature master, his novel "Anna Karenina" not only famous in Russia in 1870s, and still has the thinking and immortal vitality nowadays. This work was based on real life, reflect the problems of agriculture, a series of social problems and problems of woman's pursuit of my true ,family, marriage and love. This article focus on the interpretation of Anna’s female characters such as family, marriage, love and social moral problems, and combined with Tolstoy's strong religious views and understanding of the relationship between humanity and pinity, further analysis on Tolstoy's view of love, with a view to contemporary society, especially the contemporary women have some enlightenment.
       This article is pided into three parts: the first part focuses on the analysis of the characters Anna and Tolstoy's life; explain the works of love on the combination of the second part; the third part is to discuss the realistic significance of Tolstoy's view of love. In the face of contemporary society some immoral strange like, and women today met in love, marriage, Tolstoy's concept of love ethics gave great inspiration.
    Keywords:Anna,Tolstoy,views on love,characters
    目  录
    导言    1
    第一章  对安娜的形象、爱情的分析    3
    第一节 未遇到爱情之前的安娜    3
    第二节 拥有了爱情之后的安娜    4
          1.一个犹疑于道德与情感之间的女人    4
         2.一个热烈执着、勇于抗争的女人    5
          3.一个没有自我意识、心中只有爱情的女人    6
    第二章  托尔斯泰的爱情思考    8
    第一节 托尔斯泰对安娜爱情悲剧的思考    8
    第二节 托尔斯泰对人性和神性的解读    9
          1.安娜人性的困境    9
          2.从吉蒂与列文的婚姻生活和陶丽感受神性的救赎    10
    第三章  托尔斯泰的爱情观所给予的启示    12
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