

    Abstract Liang Qichao’s Thought of Xinmin played a very important influence for Chinese society at that time. For contemporary society, it also has very important value and significance. In this paper, Liang Qichao's ‘Thought Of Xinmin’ as the foundation, with this thought to be the most highest ideological guidance. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the contemporary society (the real society and the network society), clarify the necessity of research on this idea(Meaning of The Thought Of Xinmin, Independent and free spirit of self-improvement, Social morality, Rights and obligations, Patriotic consciousness, Competition in the spirit of adventure). And based on Chinese and foreign scholars to the study of Liang Qichao's new ideas for the auxiliary and reference, focusing on the new ideas of Liang Qichao's focus on the content of interpretation and exposition. Finally, according to the contents above thoughts, analysis and summary of the characteristics of modern society practice, illustrates the modern value of each part of Xinmin thought, the blooming glory era.

    毕业论文关键词:梁启超; 新民思想; 当代价值

    Keyword: Liang Qichao; Thought of Xinmin; Contemporary Value

    目   录

    一、研究梁启超新民思想的必要性 4

    (一)个体的国民性改造具有未完成性 4

    (二)个体人的异化情况存在 5

    1.现实世界中人的异化 5

    2.网络等微视域下人的异化 5

    二、梁启超新民思想的主要内容 6

    (一)释新民之义 7

    (二)释独立自由自强精神 7

    (三)释公德 8

    (四)释权利与义务意识 9

    (五)释利群与爱国意识 9

    (六)释竞争冒险精神 10

    三、梁启超新民思想的当代价值 11

    (一)塑造新国民的基础——独立自由自强 11

    (二)倡导社会公德,推进实现“中国梦” 12

    (三)明确权利与义务,增强社会责任感 12

    (四)弘扬爱国利群精神,推进社会主义建设 13

    (五)鼓励竞争创新,打造创新型国家 14

    参考文献 16

    致谢 18


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