


    From "The scholars" qing dynasty intellectuals in the eyes of the imperial examination system

    Abstract: "The scholars" is in our country in the middle of the Qing Dynasty written a famous novel. It is the author, Wu Jingzi according to their personal experience and the imperial scholars to understand the processing compilation and is satire in ancient China is the most outstanding representative work marks a new stage of China's ancient satire art development, also won the enduring reputation for the author, Wu Jingzi. In this novel, we can from the Wang Mian see the author, Wu Jingzi evasive thought; see the disdain of the feudal ethical code and secular bias from Bao; see from Wang Hui, Yan's brother and WangDe WangRen trained under the imperial examination system of social moth; see the development to the Qing Dynasty imperial examination system to persecution of people reading; from the Du Shaoqing, Yu Yude body on the see the reading people should have the quality and moral; from the Warren Street four social future from four wonderful people. And then see the appearance of the imperial examination system in the eyes of the intellectuals of the Qing dynasty.

    Keywords: “The scholars”;The imperial examination system;The qing dynasty intellectuals              

    目        录

    摘要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、吴敬梓的避世思想和《儒林外史》的讽刺艺术 2

    (一)吴敬梓的避世思想 2

    1.淡泊名利的隐士 2

    2.宽厚善良的伶人 3

    (二)《儒林外史》的讽刺艺术 3

    1.对照手法的应用 3

    2.细节描写手法的应用 4

    二、知识分子眼中的科举制度 4

    (一)对科举制度真诚的膜拜 4

    1.科举制度的坚决信奉者 4

    2.将科举制度作为满足自己私利的手段 5

    (二)品行兼备的儒士 5

    1.身处官场中的贤人儒士 5

    2.官场之外的贤人雅士 6

    三、清朝知识分子追求个性思想的解放 6

    (一)读书学习方面,摒弃科举制度,探求人生道路 6

    1.摒弃科举制度 7


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