Briefly Discuss the Value of the Nineteen Ancient Poetry
Abstract:The nineteen ancient poem written by han dynasty literati , are now being taken as a whole , included in the selection of literary works by XiaoTong 。 nineteen ancient poem reflected in the last days of the lower intellectuals shift in thinking , the nineteen ancient poem has very important significance on the history of China , especially in the development of woo poem has the important position 。 this article mainly from the nineteen ancient poetry thought connotation , value lyric way and poetry , ect is analyzed , further elaborated which contains a strong sense of the awakening of inpidual life , mainly embodied in the “people’s” awakening and the awakening of “poem” ; on lyric way , nineteen ancient poem on express the han literati alone , including the part of some on ChouHuai , women of bitterness and the feeling of life is short ; on the poetic value , nineteen ancient poem first broke the limit of traditional norms , it not only has strong subjective lyricism , finished in the strong lyric “poetry express will” breakthrough of traditional literature 。
Key words: the nineteen ancient poem;Ideological implication;Lyric way;the poetic value
摘 要1
Abstract 1
三、突破传统规范的诗学值 6
《古诗十九首》对中国五言诗的成熟和发展起着不可忽视的作用,刘勰曾在他的著作《文心雕龙》中称赞它为五言诗中的冠冕之作,钟嵘也在《诗品》中对其凝练的语言艺术给予了高度评价,认为它是“一字千金”。 在思想内容、主题风格和抒情方式等方面,都对后世诗歌的发展起到了不可忽视的推动作用。东汉末年,社会动荡,政治不似西汉时期清明有序,传统礼教思想趋于崩溃,下层文人士子游宦无门,蹉跎失意、彷徨感伤之后,他们无奈地把人生价值取向转移到了对个体生命的关注上,由此引发了一系列的对人的生死和生存价值的思考与质疑。他们感慨的是个人的内心苦闷,表现的是乱世中的人的生命意识,体现了下层知识分子的怀才不遇,反映的是末世社会的世态炎凉。毋庸置疑,《古诗十九首》是乱世的产物,它所抒发的思想情感和价值取向,是汉末下层知识分子在现实人生中的自我觉醒和对生存意义的追求,在中国古代诗歌史上开启了“自觉”的先河。正是因为这样,《古诗十九首》才能以其广泛的代表性和深刻的内涵,源源不断地影响着后世诗歌的发展,从而展现出一种经久不衰的艺术魅力。