摘 要:迈克耳孙干涉仪实验是大学物理实验中具有代表性的光学实验之一,在很多方面都有重要的应用,如光波波长和光波精细结构、液体和气体浓度折射率等的测量。然而实验中对迈克耳孙干涉仪的调节有一定难度,特别是对刚刚接触此仪器的同学而言,由于缺乏相应的使用经验,给实验的完成带来了一定的困难。本文首先介绍迈克耳孙干涉仪的结构、原理、几种常见的调节方法以及对各种调节方法的分析,然后归纳、总结出方便可行、可操作性强的方法,为该实验的教与学提供参考。28302
Improvement of Michelson Interferometer Adjustment Method
Abstract: Michelson interferometer experiment is one of the representative experiments university physics, measured in many ways for important applications, such as optical wavelengths and waves fine structure, the refractive index of the liquid and the gas concentration and so on. However, the experiment of Michelson interferometer regulation has many difficulties, particularly for the students who is the first to contact this experiment, since the lack of experience with the instrument, so this make it brought some difficulties to complete the experiment. This article describes the Michelson interferometer structure, principle, adjustment method and the analysis of variety of adjustment method, and then summarized, summed convenient and practical, workable approach, which provides a reference for the experiment of teaching and learning.
Keywords: Michelson interferometer; the university physics experiment; Experimental analysis
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