关键词 转动惯量 质心位置 测量方法 毕业论文设计说明书外文摘要
Title Body in physical parameters test platform structure design
For a solid of revolution, its physical parameters is mainly refers to his moment of inertia and mass center position, so this paper mainly study his moment of inertia of the barycentric position of the measuring method and measuring method, and design test platform for its measurement method.
The moment of inertia is a measure of the rigid body size when the rotational inertia, which embodies the size of the rigid body in rotation to the difficulty of the state changes. Moment of inertia of objects as well as the mass of the body is one of the important parameters. In the defense industry, all kinds of missile, rocket, and manned spacecraft devices need to need to measure the moment of inertia, to improve reliability and determine the flight stability. In this article is a similar to the object to be tested missiles in the shape of a solid of revolution, so the research of this paper can also be used to playing the arrows and aviation, has great research value and research significance.
Usually can get the rotational inertia of the object in two ways: for the object shape is simple and uniform density distribution, generally adopt the theoretical calculation method. For the uneven distribution of complex shape, the quality of the object, the actual measurement method is adopted. Actual measurement principle is mainly with elastic element and oscillation system, the object to be tested by obtaining system oscillation frequency to calculate the rotational inertia of the object to be tested. The rotational inertia of the commonly used measuring methods are: compound pendulum method, the torsional pendulum method, three wire pendulum method, single pendulum method and fall method, etc.
For a solid of revolution, we except to know his moment of inertia, often also need to know his center of mass position for mechanics analysis and calculation. For uniform mass distribution components, can adopt the method of calculation, its centroid position can be obtained directly. For the object of uneven distribution of quality need to use the corresponding detection device, the parameters accurately measured. There are two commonly used measuring methods: three measuring method and measuring method at four o 'clock. For this topic research the solid of revolution, although the shape is axisymmetric mass distribution is unknown, so choose measurement method to measure.