摘 要:本文阐述了一种光控太阳能LED灯的设计。太阳能LED灯主要依靠吸收太阳光辐射能量来工作,能够减小电网用电压力,节能环保。我们设计了控制器电路,使太阳能电池板在有光照时自动为蓄电池充电,此时蓄电池停止为LED灯供电;在无光照时,蓄电池通过光控制模块为LED灯供电。本文设计的太阳能LED灯有助于解决不便于铺设路灯区域或有线供电照明成本较高的区域的夜间照明问题。40222 毕业论文关键词:太阳能电池板 蓄电池 控制模块 LED灯
Solar LED lamp design
Abstract:This paper describes the design of the solar LED lamp which can be controlled by the light sensor. The solar LED lamp relies on the energy transfer from the sun, which is energy efficient and environmental friendly and can lighten the national grid loads. We designed a controller circuit such that when radiated by the light, the solar panels works for battery charging and the battery stops the power supply of the light emitting diode lamp; while without the light illumination, the solar panels stops charging the battery, and the battery supplies the power for the light emitting diode lamp. The solar LED lamp designed in this paper can help solve the night illumination problem in the area where it is hard to laid the electric wire or the cost of wire illumination is high.
Keywords:solar panel battery control module LED lamp
1 绪论 1
2 方案论证 2
2.1 设计要求 2
2.2 方案选择 2
3 系统框图 3
4 硬件设计 4
4.1 电源电路 4
4.2 太阳能电池板 7
4.3 镍氢蓄电池 10
4.4 单片机最小系统 11
4.5 感光装置 13
4.6 A/D和D/A转换器 13
4.7 负载电路 20
5 结论 21
6 致谢 23
参考文献 24
附录1 25
总体电路图 25
附录2 26
元件清单 26