中文摘要硅微谐振式加速度计 ( Silicon Resonant Accelerometer , 简称 SRA) 以其精度高和抗干扰能力强等优点,广泛应用于军事及民用等领域 , 已成为 MEMS 惯性传感器的重要发展方向之一。国内外很多国家都积极投入研究,并不断取得技术上的突破和应用上的拓展。本论文主要围绕 SRA 的 非线性振动特性和微杠杆结构的力学建模 , 进行了以下研究 :(1) 建立 了 SRA 的 谐振 梁振动 的力学模型 , 推导得到谐振梁的振动频率计算公式。(2) 开展了 谐振器非线性振动特性 的研究,从理论和仿真两个方面确定了谐振梁的非线性系数,理论值与仿真值误差小于 10% ,(3) 设计并 完成谐振式加速度计非线性振动特性实验, 实验值与理论值最大误差仅为 2.1% , 验证 了 理论 分析。6648
本文的研究对于 SRA 结构参数的优化有一定的参考意义。关键词 硅微谐振式加速度计 谐振器 非线性 微杠杆毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要
Title Title Title Title Nonlinear vibration characteristics of S ilicon
r esonant a ccelerometer
Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract
S ilicon r esonant a ccelerometer (SRA) , w ith high precision and strong anti-
interference capability, is wide ly used in the military and civil fields .
It has become one of the important research topics f or MEMS inertial
sensor s . Lots of domestic and foreign countries are active in the research,
and has been ma king breakthrough of technology and application development on SRA .
In this paper, the key objectives mainly from the research of nonlinear
vibration characteristics of SRA and m echanic al model of the
micro-leverage mechanism are as follows:
(1) The m echanics model of the r esonat or is established and the vibration
frequency equation s are derived.
(2) For the nonlinear vibration of resonator , the 3rd
order elastic
coefficient is induc ed by theoretical analysis and simulati on. As
compared with theoretical value, the error of simulation is less than
10% , respectively, which is within the acceptable range.
(3) T he experiment of the n onlinear vibration characteristics of
resonator has been d esign ed and implemented. The testing results
indicate that the methods of theory analysis is correct for that
compar ing with the theor y value , the maximum error of the e xperiment
value is 2 .1 % .
This paper studies h ave certain reference significance to optimiz e the
structure of SRA.Key words S ilicon R esonant A ccelerometer , resonator , nonlinear ,
micro-leverage mechanism
目 次
1 引言 . 2
1 . 1 谐振式加速度计在国内外的发展  2
1 . 2 研究目的和意义  3
1 . 3 本论文的研究内容  4
2 硅微谐振式加速度计的基本理论 . 4
2 . 1 硅微谐振加速度计的工作原理  4
2 . 2 谐振梁振动的力学模型  5
2.2.1 梁横向振动的偏微分方程 . 6
2.2.2 谐振梁横向振动的固有振型 . 7
2.2.3 谐振梁振动的频率 . 9
2 . 3 谐振器的力灵敏度与标度因数  13
2.3.1 DETF 的力灵敏度推导  13
2.3.2 标度因数 . 14
2 . 4 谐振器固有频率仿真验证  15
2 . 5 SRA 基本性能指标和测试方法 . 15
2 . 6 本章小结  16
3 谐振梁非线性振动分析 . 17
3.1 推导非线性项对频率的影响  17
3.1.1 轴向力 F 的确定 . 17
3.1.2 能量法分析非线性项 . 18
3.1.3 振幅与谐振频率 . 19
3.2 谐振梁非线性系数仿真验证  20
3 . 3 本章小结  22
4 微杠杆工作原理与等效刚度 . 22
4.1 微杠杆的理论模型 . 23
4.2 Ka 计算公式推导与简化 . 26
4.2.1 支撑系统的分析与对非线性项的影响 . 26















