摘   要 传统的 SOFC(固体氧化物燃料电池)工作温度比较高,会造成封接困难、对于配套材料要求高、电池寿命短等缺点。2015年美国科罗拉多矿业大学的 Chuancheng Duan等人开发了一种新型的阴极材料 BaCo0.4Fe0.4Zr0.1Y0.1O3-δ(BCFZY0.1),也就是新型质子型燃料电池(PCFC) 。因具有比氧化物燃料电池更低的活化能和质子传导速度,因而可以在更低的温度下运行(250°C-550°C)并在较低的温度下大幅ᨀ高氧化还原速率。与SOFC相比,PCFC(质子导体燃料电池)工作温度低,具有较高的甲烷转换率等。此外,质子导体电化学反应所产生的水是在阴极端生成,这样就不会稀释阳极的燃料气体,并且质子导体的活化能相对较低。 但是 PCFC的发展也存在着一些问题,仍滞后于已发展成熟的SOFC,这是由于第一 PCFC电解质阴极难以匹配,第二新型电解质相比传统电解质,耐火性还是有所差距。以至发展速度较慢,很难大规模投入实际生产。如果电池制备工艺和阴极匹配问题得到解决,那么在氢气和烃类气氛中,质子导体燃料电池(PCFC)的导电性能比固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)更加优越。不仅如此,质子导体燃料电池的工作温度(350~600℃)比固体氧化物燃料电池的工作温度(700~1000℃)低,可以降低对硬件设备的要求。在目前质子导体燃料电池的研究中,以铈酸钡基为电解质的质子导体固体氧化物燃料电池尤为受到关注。BaCeO3 基的质子导体具有较高的电导率,目前 Gd3+掺杂BaCeO3 是迄今为止报道最高的质子传导材料,成为SOFC电解质的研究热点。所以本课题使用BaCeO3 为基础的阴极,掺杂 Gd ᨀ高了其导电效率,掺杂 In ᨀ高了其化学稳定性。因为传统的阴极材料不适用于这种质子导体燃料电池,我们选择新型的阴极材料来匹配BaCe0.7In0.2Gd0.1O3 电解质,制备成复合阴极,旨在开发一种新型的适用于BaCe0.7In0.2Gd0.1O3 质子导体电解质的新型复合阴极材料。58981
Abstract  Traditional SOFC (solid oxide fuel cell) is relatively high operating temperature, will cause difficulties in sealing, high requirements for supporting materials, short battery life and other shortcomings. Chuancheng Duan et al of University of Colorado Mining developed a new cathode electrolyte material BaCo0.4Fe0.4Zr0.1Y0.1O3-d (BCFZY4411) in 2015. The proton conducting fuel cell(PCFC) is with a lower activation energy and lower proton conduction velocity than the oxide fuel cells which can run at a lower temperature (250°-550 ℃), and it can substantially increase the rate of oxidation-reduction at low temperatures. Compared with the SOFC, PCFC (proton conductor fuel cell) can work at low temperature, with a high methane conversion rate. In addition, the water proton conductor produced by the electrochemical reaction is generated at the cathode terminal, so as not to dilute the anode of the fuel gas, and the activation energy of the proton conductor is relatively low.   However, PCFC development there are also some problems during PCFC development, still lags behind the developed mature SOFC. This is because the first PCFC electrolyte matches cathode bad, the second novel electrolyte compared to conventional electrolyte, exist a gap between the refractory. So that the pace of development is slow, and has difficulty to put into practical mass production. If the battery cathode matching problem is solved, so in an atmosphere of hydrogen and hydrocarbon, Proton conductors fuel cell (PCFC) conducts electricity better than solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is superior. Not only that, the fuel cell of Proton conductor operating temperature (350~600℃) than the working temperature of the solid oxide fuel cell (700~1000℃), can reduce the requirement for hardware devices. Many fuel cell of Proton conductor, cerium and barium base for solid oxide fuel cell electrolyte Proton conductors are particularly concerned. BaCeO3 has a higher electrical conductivity of Proton conductor, currently Gd3+ doped BaCeO3 is by far the highest reported of Proton conducting materials, become a hot spot in SOFC electrolyte. Therefore, this paper use BaCeO3 based cathode, Gd-doped can increase its conductivity efficiency, and the In-doped can improve its chemical stability. As the conventional cathode material is not suitable for such a proton conductor fuel cell, we chose the new cathode material BaCe0.7In0.2Gd0.1O3 to match this electrolyte, to improve the conductive efficiency.
















