摘 要临界极值问题是高中物理教学中的常见问题。过程复杂难以把握其临界点,是大部分学生学习过程中的绊脚石。要解决这类问题,巧妙运用数学方法是很关键的,能帮他们减少繁琐的分析过程并快速地找到临界点。考虑到部分同学的数学功底薄弱,本文又对静摩擦范围内引起的临界极值问题、运动学中追及与相遇类极值问题、物体在竖直平面内做圆周运动的临界问题、传送带上的临界问题、临界射出点问题等进行了一系列的分析研究,总结出针对以上六种问题临界极值点寻找的方法、解题常用的物理思路、数学方法及注意事项。88660
Abstract:Critical extreme problem is a common problem in Physics Teaching in senior high school。 The process is complex and difficult to grasp the critical point, which is a stumbling block in the process of learning。 In order to solve this kind of problem, it is very important to use mathematical method skillfully, which can help them reduce the tedious analysis process and find the critical point quickly。 Taking into account the mathematical knowledge of some students is weak, the static friction caused by critical extreme problems, within the scope of the kinematics of the pursuit and meeting class extreme problems, the critical problems, the body of circular motion in the vertical plane, the critical problem of the belt in critical point injection problems to a series of research and analysis and summed up the method, according to the six problems above the critical points for the physics problem solving ideas, common mathematical methods and precautions
Keywords:middle school physics; critical extreme; thinking method; mathematical means
目 录源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766
摘要: 3
1。临界极值问题的界定与处理思路 4
1。1临界极值问题 4
1。2研究临界极值问题的教学意义 4
1。3在教学中临界极值问题的处理思路 4
2。处理临界极值问题常用的数学方法 4
2。1 代数二次式的处理 4
2。2 三角函数的应用 5
2。3 图像方法 7
3。典型临界极值问题的From优T尔K论M文L网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201^8766 处理方法 8
3。1静摩擦力范围内引起的临界极值问题 8
3。2运动学中追及与相遇类极值问题 9
3。3物体在竖直平面内做圆周运动的临界问题 10
3。4传送带上的临界问题 13
3。5临界射出点问题 15
3。6物理量求解临界问题 17
4。结论 18
参考文献 19