摘要:我国电视谈话类节目出现于二十世纪九十年代,起步较晚,但发展势头很猛。各电视台所办的谈话类节目越来越多,电视谈话类节目热潮已达到某一可观程度。然而,节目虽然众多,但从总体上来说,还处于非成熟期,存在着诸多的问题。例如话题平庸、节目形式僵化、真实感缺失、主持人形式化、没有恰当的谈话氛围、品牌意识淡薄等。因此,对谈话类节目的整体进行全面深入分析,研究其不足并对其今后的发展提出建议是很必要的。本文从选题策划、品牌意识、主持人素质、谈话氛围等方面对其进行了研究,并针对其存在的问题提出了提高节目质量的对策。23057 毕业论文关键词:电视谈话类节目;现状;存在问题;对策
Abstract:TV talk shows appeared in China in the 1990s, it started late but developed very quickly. In recent years, more and more programs are presented by TV stations of various levels and these programs reach their prime year of development. Generally speaking, these large quantity of programs are under developing stage which are in comparatively low quality, they are immature. Therefore, there are many problems for this kind of program such as the mediocrity of their topics, rigid program forms, lack of sense of reality, rigidity of hosts’ presentation on the stage, unconsciousness of the importance of brand, and inability of cultivating proper conversation atmosphere and etc. Accordingly, it is necessary to make a general investigation and give advices for these programs. The paper analyzes the issues of topic planning, the cultivating of brand consciousness, the improving of hosts’ quality, the creating of the conversation atmosphere, and puts forward the countermeasures of improving the quality of these programs.
Key Words: TV talk shows;current situation;existing problems;countermeasures
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