摘 要 :近几年,帮忙类电视节目在各大电视台呈现出遍地开花之势,这些节目立足为普通百姓办实事、帮好忙都普遍得到了观众的认可。但是随着节目的长期发展也不可避免的出现了一系列问题,致使现阶段的帮忙类电视节目遭遇了发展困境。文章主要通过文献资料法、个案分析法,阐明帮忙类节目的定位与发展现状,从节目形式单调、背离媒介责任、从业人员缺乏职业素养、民生关怀肤浅这四个方面对帮忙节目所存在的问题进行梳理,并结合当下媒介环境,分析存在这些问题的原因,以及对节目的未来发展提出一些具体可行的应对策略,希望帮忙类节目可以长久、稳定的发展下去。24699 毕业论文关键词:帮忙类电视节目;民生;服务
Analysis on the problem and Countermeasures of help TV programs
Abstract:In recent years, help TV show blossom everywhere potential in each big television, these programs based on to do things for the common people to help busy are generally accepted by the audience. But with the long-term development programs also inevitably lead to a series of problems at the present stage, help programs encountered dilemma of development. By using the methods of literature, case analysis, clarify the orientation and development help program, from the from is monotonous, deviate from the media responsibility, practitioners lack of occupation accomplishment, life caring superficial these four aspects which exists to help program in combing, combined with the current media environment, analyzes the reasons why these is these problems, puts forward some feasible countermeasures and the future development of the program in order to have a stable long-term development.
Key words: help television; the people’s livelihood; service
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、帮忙类电视节目的定位与发展现状 2
二、现阶段帮忙类电视节目存在的问题 3
(一)节目形式单调 3
(二)背离媒介责任 3
(三)从业人员缺乏职业素养 5
(四)民生关怀肤浅 6
三、帮忙类电视节目未来发展的应对策略 6
(一)促进节目形式多样化 6
(二)明确节目定位,坚守媒介责任 7
(三)提高从业人员职业素养 7
(四)加强民生关怀 8
(五)塑造品牌化栏目 8 参考文献 10