关键词 杨德昌电影 都市 儒家思想 台湾新电影 毕业论文外文摘要
Title Analysis of urban people with movies——Edward Yang’s films studies
Whether in film history of Taiwan, or in Chinese film history, Yang have occupied an important seat. As a director who was deeply influenced by urban culture, Edward Yang always maintained calm observation and thinking to the city, and aim the lens at Taipei, express his own rational thinking through films. In order to presented his thoughts deeply and accurately, all aspects of films are serviced for the urban theme. Yang’s thoughts on urban issues still have an important meaning to today's city people who are in intense urbanization process. This paper will start from introducing the creative background of Yang’s films, further analysis of the visual language and theatrical creation of films, and explore the theme of the films in this process, we hope to raise awareness and thinking on Edward Yang's films and urban problems in such a way .
Keywords Edward Yang’s films Urban Confucianism Taiwan’s new films
目 次
1 绪论 2
1.1 研究背景 2
1.2 研究现状 2
1.3 研究目的和意义 2
2 杨德昌电影的创作背景 3
2.1 杨德昌导演生平 3
2.2 台湾新电影运动的兴起 4
2.3 关于台北的都市性 5
3 杨德昌电影的都市主题 7
4 都市语境下的视听语言 9
4.1 长镜头下的台北都市 9
4.2 巧妙的构图 12
4.2.1 画面分割 12
4.2.2 玻璃镜面 13
4.3 声音艺术 14
4.3.1 用画外声音拓展空间 14
4.3.2 声画对位 15
4.3.3 “说教式”对白 15
5 都市的戏剧故事 16
5.1 多线叙事 16
5.2 开放式结局 17
5.3 人物二分法 17
5.3.1 随欲望沉沦者 18
5.3.2 获得救赎的守道者 18
结论 20
致谢 21
参考文献 22
附录 杨德昌作品年表 23
图4.1 《恐怖分子》都市外观9
图4.2 《恐怖分子》都市外观9
图4.3 《恐怖分子》都市内部10