[摘 要]近几年来,“神曲”以其独特的音乐风格强势介入到大众的日常生活,为越来越多的人所认识和接受。本文通过分析现代“神曲”的特点及其走红的原因,将早期“神曲”与现在“神曲”进行比较分析,发现由于受社会环境、娱乐文化产品等因素的影响,大众的娱乐文化消费心理从最初的追求放松以及情感上的体验到追求“新奇”、“个性”的转变,并在分析大众心理转变的的基础上提出了现在流行音乐应在歌曲创作、营销方式上进行改变,以适应大众娱乐文化消费心理的转变。31324
From the "Divine Comedy" Phenomenon to Study the Change of the Public Entertainment Consumer Psychology
Abstract: In recent years, the "pine comedy" with its unique style of music affects the public's daily life, more and more people are understanding and acceptance the"pine comedy" . In this article, through analyzing the cause of the modern features and the fame of "the pine comedy", comparing the traditional "pine comedy" with"the modern pine comedy",found that due to the influence of social environment, entertainment and cultural products and other factors, mass entertainment and cultural consumer psychology from the initial pursuit to experience relaxation and emotional pursuit of "novelty", "personality" changes, and in the analysis of popular music made now should be changed on songwriting, marketing, public foundation to accommodate the mass psychology of change entertainment and cultural consumption psychological changes.
Key Words: pop music;"the Divine Comedy" ;network; consumer psychology
1 “神曲”现象
1.1 “神曲”定义
1.2 早期“神曲”的特征
1.3 现代“神曲”的特征
1.4 现代“神曲”走红的原因
2 从“神曲”现象看大众娱乐文化消费心理的转变
2.1 早期“神曲”中反映出的大众娱乐文化消费心理特征分析
2.2 现代“神曲”中反映出的大众娱乐文化消费心理特征分析
2.3 大众娱乐文化消费心理转变的影响因素
3 大众娱乐文化消费心理转变给现代流行音乐创作带来的启示
3.1 词的创作应更加注意文化内涵
3.2 曲的创作应更加易于大众传唱
3.3 歌曲创作应更加契合大众的追求个性的消费心理
3.4 歌曲传播应更加注重现代营销方式