Abstract:With the continuous development of our country economy, people's living standards gradually improved, the process of urbanization is more and more quickly, increasing consumer demand for housing, but due to the tremendous uncertainty in the real estate market, lead to the real estate industry is more and more fierce competition, companies also pay more and more attention to the role of advertising and marketing. This paper first analysis the characteristics of the real estate advertisement and advertising on the specific role of the real estate industry. Coupled with a large number of real cases, analyze the current development of real estate advertising copywriter, and summarize the current real estate problems arising from the AD copy. Again from the perspective of the structure of the AD copy, elaborates on the manifestation of real estate advertisement strategy
Keywords:Real estate advertising; Advertising copy; Performance strategy
目 录
一、前言 4
二、房地产广告文案的特点 4
(一)结构相对完整 4
(二)文案注重细节的呈现 4
(三)媒介形式相对单一 5
(四)编排的规整性 5
(五)目标针对性强 5
(六)注重品牌个性 6三、房地产广告文案存在的问题 6
(一)物化严重 6
(二)崇洋媚外 6
(三)过度的自我包装 7
(四)前后矛盾,不知所云 7
(五)创意方面的趋同 7
四、房地产广告文案的具体表现手法 7
(一)标题 7
(二)正文 9
(三)附文 11
(四)广告语 12
房地产广告在房地产商品销售中所起到的作用对开发商对房地产广告的重视程度的高低有着密切联系,再回到广告功能这个话题,房地产广告只是众多广告形式的一种而已,广告本身对房地产行业及房地产商品的突出作用表现在:1、增加销售量、推动并维持开发商生产经营发展的功能;2、宣传、提高开发商知名度;3、信息传递与信息反馈的功能;4、指导消费的功能[1]。房地产产品属于高卷入度产品 [2]。为了在竞争激烈的房地产业中更胜一筹,房地产商要注重如何向消费者宣传自身的优势。优秀的房地产广告文案,不仅能吸引购房者的目光和购买兴趣,还会给人们带来美的享受,有利于提高企业的销售额。通过本文讨论房地产广告文案表现策略对房地产业广告文案的影响,期望可以创作出更好的房地产广告文案,对房地产业产生积极影响。