A Study of Lexical Features of China English in International Economic News Reports

Abstract China English is a variety of World Englishes。 Based on the English variety theory, this paper takes the English media Global Times (from January to June, 2015) as the source corpus to analyze the lexical characteristics of China English in international economic News media with the method of text analysis。 Five kinds of morphological formation of China English are concluded: transliterated words, transliterated words with type-word, literal translated words, literal translated words with explanation and free translated words。 And we found that the number of literal translated words and free translated words in China English samples is as high as 94%。 This paper, to a certain extent, enriches the study of China English, and deepens the understanding of China English。87064

Keyword: China English; lexical features; international economic news reports


摘要中国英语是“世界英语”(World Englishes)的一种变体。本文基于英语变体理论,以《环球时报》(英文版)(2015年1月至6月)为语料来源,采取文本分析方法对国际经济新闻中“中国英语”的词汇特征进行了词法分析。本文归纳出了五种中国英语的构词形式:音译词、音译词+类词、直译词、直译词+解释和意译词,并且发现直译词和意译词在中国英语所有样本中的比例高达94%。本文的研究成果在一定程度上丰富了“中国英语”的相关研究,加深了对“中国英语”的认识。 

毕业论文关键词: 中国英语;词汇特征;国际经济新闻


Abstract in English I

Abstract in Chinese II

I。 Introduction 1

II。 Literature Review 3

2。1 World Englishes 3

2。2 Studies of China English 4

  2。2。1 Definition of China English 4

  2。2。2 China English and Chinglish 5

  2。2。3 Previous Studies of China English 6

III。 Research Methodology 8

3。1 Research Questions 8

3。2 Corpora Used in the Study 8

3。3 Generating Word-list of Samples of China English in MCGT 9

IV。 Lexical Features of China English in International Economic News Reports 9

4。1 Lexical Categories of China English Terms 10

4。2 Transliterated Words 11

4。3 Transliterated Words with Type-word 11

4。4 Literal Translated Words 13

4。5 Literal Translated Words with Explanation 15

4。6 Free Translated Words 16

V。 Conclusion 17

Bibliography 19

Appendix: A List of Samples of China English 20

A Study of Lexical Features of China English in International Economic News Reports

I。 Introduction 

English is used widely in the world as an essential tool for international communication, which results in its localization or nativization。 When people from different regions and countries communicate with each other in English, they use their unique English expressions, for they have different histories, cultures, traditions and life styles。 Because of the Englishes branded with varied cultures, the standard becomes more relative, which makes English more inclusive, more persified and more flexible。 Apart from British English and American English, there are many other Englishes such as Canadian English, Indian English, Australian English, Australian English, South African English, Singapore English, Australian English, and Japanese English。

















