The research on CDA made a significant breakthrough and came into a new stage from 1988, and the study on CDA about its aims, approaches and research interests was more rigid than before。 In the process of analyzing discourse, western scholars focus on language description and social theory rather than either of them。

Fowler is one of the most important representatives in CDA。 He puts forward the framework of CDA and applies it to make news text specific in his book Language in the News: Discourse and Ideology in 1991。 In Fowler’s work, he adopt Halliday’s systemic functional grammar to the analysis of news discourse and use vocabulary to reveal the hidden ideological meanings。

 Van Dijk is another significant figure and is frequently mentioned in the study of media discourse。 In van Dijk’s earlier works, he mainly concentrates on literary study and text grammar。 Later, he comes up with a cognitive model for CDA and focus on interpreting the text in a psychological viewpoint。 Recently, he shifts his focus to the relation between language, power and ideology。

    Norman Fairclough is a productive writer on CDA。 He published many books such as Language and Power, Discourse and Social Change, Critical Discourse Analysis 。 His study aims to improve the public’s critical awareness of struggling for liberation。 In addition, he applies his theory on political discourse and study social contents, the system and linguistic features。 

In summary, critical discourse analysis mainly involves in the following fields: institutional discourse, organizational discourse, multimedia discourse and political discourse (Zhi Yongbi, 2007)。 

2。2 Studies in China

Compared with the study on CDA abroad, the study at home is relatively young and has not achieved so much but is still in development。 The researchers in China did not show their attention to the CDA until 1990s。 Since that time, the whole nation has set off an upsurge of researchers who studied CDA, and many articles related to CDA appeared, but at the same time, there isn’t any creation in analyzing the existing ideology hidden in news discourse。 Chen Zhongzhu, a professor from Peking University, who is firstly introduce linguistic basis of CDA, its development and the opinions towards language, context, discourse and ideology, and arouse Chinese scholars who are interested in CDA to study in this field。 来.自^优+尔-论,文:网 +QQ752018766-

Xin Bin is also a productive writer on CDA。 As a leading figure at home, his research is very comprehensive for his work not only explains the theoretical and emergence and development of CDA but the applications to show how language, power and ideology reveal the hidden ideology in different discourse and provide possibility for Chinese readers to better understand CDA。 Besides, he has made great achievements in applying analytical tools such as modality, transitivity and intertextuality and so on and attract scholars to analyze public discourse in a critical approach。

















