1。2 Literature Review

1。2。1 Relevant work on socio-pragmatic perspective

Socio-pragmatics is an inevitable trend, for pragmatics is developing to be a more and more independent discipline throughout these decades。 With the strong theoretical framework, this trend that researchers are attaching much more importance to social and cultural factors is popularizing home and abroad。 As is concluded in New Advances in Doing Pragmatics in China (Wen Xu, 2010), special progress has been made in social pragmatics and cognitive pragmatics by taking the significant role of “face” and the typical euphemistic way of communication in Chinese culture into account。 Besides, analyses are more likely to involve subjectification and intersubjectification in; and meanwhile, future researches, as Chen Xinren (2013) pointes out, are encouraged to associate pragmatics with novel or revolutionary use of language over social hotspot in everyday life。 Endowed by the rapid development of information visualization technology (mapping-knowledge-domain analysis like CiteSpace II; Xiang Mingyou, 2015), the exploration to merge pragmatics with remarkable social issues is firmly and promisingly backed up。

1。2。2 Previous domestic researches on pragmatic principles applied in advertising

Apart from certain pragmatic perspective, it is found in massive pragmatic researches on advertising language that major pragmatic principles are taken into consideration as well。 Presupposition comes the first。 It occupies much of the concern, for it is frequently applied in advertising。 Presuppositions of all classifications are wrapped in the declarative sentences prompting in an advertisement as the most natural part, and rarely draw customers’ attention。 Advertisers, in this way, lead customers to regard the declarative information given as facts without doubting。 Further actions are then taken on the imperceptible basis (Yang Huili, 2007)。 Particularly, presupposition triggers are employed within advertising language from time to time in order to enhance the effect of persuasion and to conform to the dynamic context。 Presupposed vagueness is also referred to as essentially strategic in advertising to achieve euphemism (Zhao Shuo, 2011)。 Then it comes to Cooperative Principle, together with implication。 It has always been another elementary pragmatic principle in advertising, for advertisers try to generate implicatures by flouting the maxims of CP。 Li Suping (2014) puts it briefly that as conversational implicatures are set through violation of CP such as choosing exaggerative words, ads discourse then achieve its goal of attention, interest, desire, and action—AIDA。 文献综述

By contrast, relative researches focusing on principles like Politeness Principle, Face-saving Theory and Code-switching do not start to boom until 2008。 As advertising is actually a one-way communication, the choice of dictions should be selected according to Politeness Principle and Face-saving Theory which loudly suggest taking customers’ feelings and preferences into account。 Ye Jianwen (2008) summarizes ways to avoid advertising failure as “show less cost but more benefit”。 However, it is notable that imperative and interrogative sentences also appears often in ads, for it, in essence, is another indirect way that shows request and concern for guest and thus perfectly obey the “Customer is God” Golden rule, according to Wang Xiaolu (2015)。 And as for Code-Switching, on the other hand, is a totally new topic introduced into analyzing the functioning of pragmatics of memetic dictions in ads。 It mainly refers to the conversion between English and Chinese, or even between standard language and all kinds of dialects (Shao Ying, 2016); In addition, Zhou Yangyang (2015) puts forward that conversion functions according to language users’ proficiency and features predominantly as the insertion of nouns inside one single sentence instead of intersentence sense。

















