Acknowledgments One of the greatest joys during the writing of this thesis is discussing with people who have given not just their time and attention, but their hearts and souls as well. I would like to thank the following people for their dedication and contribution without which the path to the finishing line would have been a whole lot more bumpy.22841
I'd like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Ms. Xu Jing, my supervisor who has generously shared her inspirational and provocative ideas during many of our face-to-face discussion sessions. I will never forget the precious time she has spared for me, reading and revising my paper, paragraph by paragraph. Without her encouragement, guidance and patience, I could not have reached its present essay. I also got a lot of help from my teachers in our school. They taught me a lot. It is with the help of my major teachers that I could write this essay successfully. They are really helpful to my studies and school life.
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my classmates and friends, they gave me much help. When I met problems, they always encouraged and supported me. Without their help, I could not have finished my essay.
Abstract With the progress of globalization and the development of science & technology, Internet privacy has caught an enormous attention from all walks of life. However, due to the different cultures, attitudes towards Internet privacy vary from China to America, leading to the different treatments.
China and America have different views on privacy due to their different modes of thinking and value systems. In the United States, the U.S. Supreme Court justices, Warren and Brandeis put forward the concept of privacy for the first time in 1890. In China, privacy is just a verbal noun, and there are no clear protective measures in the judicial system. There are many Chinese who have never been aware that they are entitled to this right. There are many causes behind the different privacy views in two countries, such as traditions, value orientation, legal measures and so on. Aiming at improving the weak consciousness of Internet Privacy in China, cooperation needs strengthening from all the aspects. Only by the joint efforts, can the privacy right of the Chinese people get better protection.
The paper falls into six parts. The first part serves as an introduction. The second part aims at defining of privacy and Internet privacy. The third part compares Internet privacy in China with that in the United States. The fourth part probes into the causes of different privacy views. The fifth part aims at working out the strategies of Internet privacy protection. The sixth part functions as a conclusion.
Key Words: privacy, Internet Privacy, cultural differences
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