1。1。2 The development of American National Security Council

The National Security Council of the United States did not have much power at first。 When President Truman was worried that the power of the agency was too great, it would affect his authority。 September 26, 1947, the first time he participated in the National Security Council, after which he attended only 1/5 of its meeting。 For the lack of National Security Council staff , and they can not often meet regularly, the president also often bypassed it and made direct instructions to the ministers。论文网

With the intensification of the Cold War, the National Security Council "intelligence descent" to be highlighted, which let Truman see the value of the National Security Council。 At that time, the CIA director is the National Security Council information consultant。 When the National Security Council meets, the CIA Secretary is the first to report on the situation and then they discuss together。 After decades, grasping intelligence and taking clandestine action has been one of the important functions of the National Security Council。 As a result of some of the covert operations to be exposed to the embarrassment of the President, Reagan's national security adviser Frank Charles Carloqi reorganized the National Security Council, proposed the main function of the National Security Council is to provide policy advice to the President, coordination of government work, and the clandestine action should be carried out by the CIA。

1。1。3 The reform of American National Security Council

The National Security Council has experienced many reforms since its inception, and its internal institutions have almost no fixed model, but with the international and domestic security situation changes and the adjustment changes。 This change is related to the current management style and personal relationship of the President。 In the early days of the establishment of the National Security Council, it mainly helped the president to formulate major policies。 Eisenhower made it institutionalized, established a presidential national security adviser, and then established a set of policy document drafting procedures, and held a meeting weekly to discuss these documents by his cabinet minister and senior adviser, which later became "Presidential National Security Advisers" and was known as the "National Security Adviser"。 National security adviser is the head of the daily work of the National Security Council, directly appointed by the president, without the approval of Congress。 Of course, the size of its actual power depends entirely on the president's trust and political needs。

In the early 1970s, the National Security Council staff had grown to more than 40 independent officials, with offices in the world and experts in arms control and international economic exchanges。 Ford makes it standardized。 Old Bush took office and made the National Security Council a full-time, consolidating the reform of Reagan's last two years。 Clinton expanded the size of the National Security Council。 George W。 Bush has made substantial structural changes to the National Security Council, with news, law, communications and lecture drafting offices, and the media, so that he and the media, Congress, the US public and foreign governments continue to contact, the authority greatly exceeded the original design of the expected。 The National Security Affairs Assistant has become an important figure in dealing with national security matters。 For nearly 60 years, the 11 presidents have been seeking to use the National Security Council mechanism to harmonize diplomatic and defense policies to maintain national security in the United States。文献综述

1。2 The conferences

In the day of the day, the National Security Council takes a hierarchical meeting to form a decision on major issues of national security。 Which is pided into: the highest level of national security conference presided over by the President, the ministerial level chaired by the National Security Adviser, and the Deputy Ministerial Security Conference, chaired by the Deputy Assistant Secretary for National Security。 Once the crisis occurs, a small-scale "crisis decision-making special group" is established based on the nature of the crisis and the development of the situation, and the relevant departmental officials are selected as their members to direct the crisis management action under the direct presidency of the President。 This "crisis decision-making special group" has the characteristics of small scale, high level, quick response and strong confidentiality。

















