A Comparative Study on Translation Strategies of Idioms in A Dream of Red Mansions and The Story of the Stone

Abstract From the researches on all kinds of translation versions of HongLouMeng, most scholars give full affirmation to A Dream of Red Mansions by Yang Xianyi and The Story of The Stone by David Hawkes。 Taking the translation of idioms as a breakthrough point, this paper classifies the idioms into four types as Chinese idioms, proverbs, two-part allegorical sayings and locutions, then selects translating examples from the foregoing two versions to make comparative analysis。 This paper focuses on the differences and orientations of translation strategy manifested on the foregoing two authors and renditions。 88465

Keywords: HongLouMeng;idiom; translation strategy; foreignization; domestication


摘  要从对《红楼梦》的各种译本的研究来看,许多学者给予充分认同的是杨宪益的译本A Dream of Red Mansions 和霍克斯的译本 The Story of the Stone。 本文将从两本译本中熟语部分的翻译作为切入点, 将熟语按照成语、谚语、歇后语和惯用语这四种类型分类, 选取《红楼梦》中部分译例进行对比分析。本文关注的是这两位译家及其两种译本的翻译策略的差异性与取向性问题。

毕业论文关键词:《红楼梦》;熟语;翻译策略;异化;归化源Y于Y优E尔Y论L文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018.766

1。 Introduction

    HongLouMeng is the pinnacle of Chinese classical novels, also the encyclopedia and epitome showing the deposition of Chinese traditional culture of more than five thousand years。 With the deepening of the globalization, China is reaching out to the world, thus China’s communication with the world has become a unstoppable trend。

    HongLouMeng, as a worldwide influential human feelings novel, its translation work deservedly is very important。 Translating this classical masterpiece into English and other languages has always been a big deal in the fields of international literature and translation。 From优Y尔E论W文W网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201,8766

    Over the years, many Chinese and foreign translators have devoted themselves to pushing the transcoding of HongLouMeng among different languages and cultures。 Taking such work as a lifelong persistent career, these translating masters have made epic contribution to making the way of HongLouMeng out of the self-admiration in Chinese indigenous culture, instead into the circulation of foreign cultures, therefore, the phenomenon of translation studies of HongLouMeng is bound to become an important research topic focused by the researchers of translation at home and abroad。 

From the researches on all kinds of translation versions of HongLouMengand its translation history of more than 200 years by the international community, most scholars have given full affirmation to Yang’s version A Dream of Red Mansions and Hawkes’ version The Story of The Stone, and academics have discussed the technical problems concerning the translation field of these two versions in considerable details。 While what I am interested in are the differences and orientations of linguistic rhetoric, cultural identity, translation standpoint and strategy manifested on Yang Xianyi and Hawkes during the process of translation。论文网

    HongLouMeng takes in rich cultural concepts, including Chinese ancient myth, patriarchal clan, religion, politics, system, people’s names, artifacts, poems, QuFu, couplets, puzzles, allusions, idioms, slang, dialect and common words, music, painting, customs (weddings, funerals, costumes, sacrifices, etc。), and the key is that it memorizes various kinds of aesthetic images constructed by the Chinese traditional cultural concepts with unique Chinese characters in literary rhetoric。 And these cultural ideas and aesthetic images are all written and memorized through Chinese characters, thus it is impossible to give a literal transcoding directly through alphabetic language。 What’s more, as a kind of phonetic culture, the English historical tradition itself does not possess completely consistent cultural concepts and related customs as Chinese character culture。 

















