    毕业论文关键词: 英语教学; 跨文化意识; 途径
    Abstract Language and culture are closely related with each other. Foreign language learning is in fact cultural learning. English teaching is designed to train students in communicative ability; it includes language ability, and social and cultural capabilities. This paper sets out to give a clear definition of intercultural teaching, and talk about the differences between the source language culture and the target language culture. Finally, it makes a conclusion about the topic and gives some suggestions about how to deal with the problems existing in intercultural teaching. The purpose is to improve students’ ability to use English to communicate.
    Key word: English teaching; intercultural awareness; method
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese    2
    2.1 Differences in Geographical Background    2
    2.2 Differences in Custom    3
    2.3 Differences in Thinking    4
    2.4 Differences in Body Language    5
    III. Existing problems in English Teaching    6
    3.1 Conceptual Problem    7
    3.2 Gap Between Cultural Knowledge and Cultural Application in Communication    8
    3.3 Gap Between Cultural Knowledge and Cultural Understanding    8
    IV. Methods of Cultivating Students' Intercultural Awareness    9
    4.1 Direct Instruction    9
    4.2 Comparative Study    10
    4.3 Role Playing Method    11
    4.4 Interest-Stimulated Method    11
    V. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgements    15
    Cultivation of Intercultural Awareness in English Teaching
    I. Introduction
    English language and Chinese language are under different cultural backgrounds, so people of different culture backgrounds have their own cultural awareness inevitably. Awareness refers to the react of human brain to subjective material world, and it is the summary of feelings, thoughts and so on. Culture is product of human awareness. As people’s recognitive pattern are different, people’s thoughts are different, so the culture of people from different societies are different inevitably. Intercultural awareness in intercultural communication refers to the basic capacity of human to create unique culture and understanding to the different concepts and behaviors of people from different societies. Cultural awareness involves a gradually developing inner sense of the equality of cultures, an increased understanding of your own and other people’s cultures, and a positive interest in how cultures both connect and differ. Such awareness can broaden the mind, increase tolerance and facilitate international communication. The intercultural awareness in English teaching contains four aspects: the understanding of source country and target countries’ general culture like geography, history, literature, music, art and education; the understanding and recognition to the fact that source nation and target nations’ behavior culture contains and the belief and value that behavior culture reflects; spreading national culture and absorbing good parts of foreign culture; improving the self-quality though integration of source culture and target culture and formulate right wealth value and personality development.
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