Study on the Biblical Archetypes in the Rainbow

Abstract This thesis makes an attempt to analyze the Rainbow by focusing on the Biblical Archetypes in the Rainbow。 The approach adopted to solve the problem is comparison and contrast。 By the study of the biblical archetypes of the rainbow, a profounder understanding of this novel can be gained。 As different people have different interpretations of the Holy Bible, this study gives us a glimpse of D。H。Lawrence’s religion。 What’s more, the relationship between the Holy Bible and literature can be better understood。 89309

keyword:biblical archetypes; the Rainbow; D。H。Lawrence


摘  要这篇论文试着从《虹》中圣经原型的角度来分析小说《虹》。采用的手法是对照和对比。通过研究《虹》中的圣经原型,我们可以更深入地理解这部小说。不同的人对于圣经有不同的解读,这个研究可以让我们对D。H。劳伦斯的宗教观有初步的了解。此外,我们可以更好地理解《圣经》和文学的联系。源Y于U优I尔O论P文W网 原文+QQ75201-8766



1。 Introduction 1

1。1 Background 1

1。2 Significance of the study 1

1。3 Structures。。。1

2。 Literature Review 2

3。 Archetypal Criticism 3

3。1 Jung’s Psychology and Archetypal Theory 3

4。 Biblical Archetypes in the Rainbow 4

4。1 The Garden of Eden 4

4。2 Adam and Eve 6

4。3 The Flood 8

    4。4 The Rainbow。。。。10

5。 Reasons for Imbibing and Displacing Biblical Archetypes。。。13

5。1 Lawrence and Christianity。。。13

    5。2 Lawrence’s Religion。 。。13

6。 Conclusions 14

References 15

Chapter 1 Introduction

This chapter first proposes the background of the study。 Then the significance is also discussed to explain why this area should be emphasized。 The final part shows the structure of this thesis。

1。1 Background来自优Q尔W论E文R网 加QQ75201.8766

D。H。Lawrence is a great but controversial English novelist in the 19-20th century。 His works had been defined as erotica for a long time。 After the arduous fight against these unjust treatments, he finally was regarded as one of the greatest novelists in the English history。 His main works include Sons and Lovers, The Rainbow, Women in Love, Lady Chatterley’s Lover, Odour of Chrysanthemums, and The Prussian Officer and Other Stories etc。 There are many deep genres in his novel, such as the effects of industrialization, the pursuit of human bliss and fulfillment, the views on marriage, human rights, religion, wars and society。 And the paper mainly focuses on his novel the Rainbow。

1。2 Significance of the Study

First of all, the study can give us a profounder understanding of this novel。 By comparison and contrast, the deep meaning of these biblical archetypes can be revealed, thus the theme of the novel can be better understood。 What’s more, the study can give us a glimpse of D。H。Lawrence’s religion and can do some contribution to prove that he is a great and compassionate novelist。 Finally, a deeper understanding of the relationship between literature and the Holy Bible can be gained after the study。 

















