    摘 要随着全球商业竞争的日益激烈,商标作为广告的一部分,在企业形象以及促进消费中扮演着非常重要的角色。为了让自己的商品受到消费者的青睐,企业在设计商标品牌名时,都力求做到三美,即音美、意美和形美。尽管商标翻译研究由来已久且为数不少,但对于化妆品商标的翻译还欠缺细致而深入的研究。本文结合商标翻译实例,在许渊冲“三美”理论的视角下对化妆品商标名进行翻译分析,并且总结了一些达到音美、意美、形美翻译策略,从而证明了“三美”理论不仅可以指导诗歌翻译,而且还可以指导商标翻译,更重要的是它为以后的商标翻译提供了理论标准和翻译方法。鉴于翻译方法而言,本文主要采用音译法,直译法,音译法及直译法的结合等。24861
    Abstract With the intensification of competition in the international business, trademark as a part of advertising, plays a crucial part in promoting the corporation image and stimulating consumption. The trademarks are designed with the “Three Beauties ” purpose, that is,  beauty in sound, beauty in form and beauty in sense as standards, in order that their goods are popular with consumers. Although the study on trademark translation has a long history, the translation of cosmetic trademarks still needs a comprehensive and in-depth research. From the perspective of the Three Beauties Theory of Xu Yuanzhong and combine some examples of trademark translation, this thesis attempts to analyze the cosmetic trademarks and summarize some translation strategies of cosmetic trademarks, which can achieve the purpose of beauty in sound, beauty in form and beauty in sense. And then it proves that Three Beauties Theory not only can conduct poetry translation but also can conduct trademark translation. What’s more important is that the thesis can provide some helpful theoretical standard and methods for subsequent trademarks translation. In light of the translation methods of cosmetic trademarks, the thesis mainly discusses transliteration, free translation, transliteration and free translation and so forth.
    Key words: cosmetic trademark translation; Three Beauties Theory; translation methods
    The Exploration of Translation Strategies of Cosmetic Trademarks from Perspective of Three Beauties Theory
     摘 要    i
     Abstract    ii
     I. Introduction    1
     II. Current Research Situation    2
        2.1 The Previous Research on Cosmetic Trademarks Translation    2
        2.2 The Three Beauties Theory of Xu Yuanzhong    2
           2.2.1 An Introduction to Xu Yuanzhong    2
           2.2.2 On Three Beauties Theory    3
     III. An Introduction and Analysis of the Cosmetics Trademark    4
     3.1 A Brief Introduction to Trademark    4
     3.2 The Function of Trademark    5
     3.3 The Formation of Cosmetic Trademark words    6
           3.3.1 Proper Nouns    6
           3.3.2 Common Words    7
           3.3.3 Coined words    8
    IV. Translation Strategies of Cosmetic Trademarks in Light of Three Be- auties Theory    8
     4.1 The Translation Methods to Reach Beauty in Sense    9
           4.1.1 Literal Translation    9
           4.1.2 Free Translation    9
           4.1.3Combination of Free Translation and Transliteration    11
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