3。 Theoretical Framework

The argument over the relative advantages of Contrastive Analysis (CA) and Error Analysis (EA) has lasted for some years。 CA used to be the major field in applied linguistics which focused on the contrast between languages while EA swift the attention to language itself。 Jacquelyn and Marianne (Some Reservations Concerning Error Analysis) hold the idea that generally proponents of Error Analysis have been more convincing。 That is to say, EA plays a key role in the construction of language teaching materials and the explanation of the second language acquisition process。

3。1 Contrast Analysis来自优Y尔L论W文Q网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ7520~18766

In the process of second language acquisition, it is common for learners to make language errors。 The researchers found that most of the language errors made by learners can be realized and analyzed。 They have both specific and general characteristics, so these regularities can be summed up as theoretical knowledge to analyze the errors in the acquisition of second language。 In the 1950s, American applied linguist Lado and other linguists began to research on errors systematically, and they put forward the early theory about CA。 

CA theory is about a systematic comparison of the source language and the target language at all levels of structure will generate predictions about the areas of learning difficulty in the target language for speakers of the source language。 Hou Minji (2011) hold that CA is based on the language description。 Its linguistic basis is mainly Bloomfield’s structural linguistic theory and psychological basis migration theory。 During this period, language errors were considered as a symbol of teaching failure。

3。2 Error Analysis

3。2。1 History of Error Analysis

Since 1960, the psychological and linguistic basis of CA was confronted with challenges。 Under the influence of cognitive psychology, applied linguistic and language teaching turned to the study of language acquisition possess, which makes the weaknesses of CA come to light。 Therefore, at the beginning of the 1970s, CA faced a storm of criticism on theoretical and practical ground。 Firstly, the study of errors made by learners of the source language attempting to express themselves in the target language didn’t provide theoretical speculation, but factual empirical date。 What’s more, the analysis of production errors shows quite clearly that not all systematic errors produced by the learner can be attributed to interference from the source。 

As a result, the focus of linguistic shifted from the contrast between two languages to the second language acquisition process。 And errors aren’t regarded as failures, instead, errors are considered as an indispensable part of learning process, because errors can reveal the difference between the learners’ transitional language grammar and the target language grammar。

3。2。2 Definition of Error Analysis论文网

Richards (1971) said, "The field of Error Analysis may be defined as dealing with the differences (italics ours) between the way people learning a language speak, and the way adult native speakers of the language use the language。" The EA theory takes the language learners as the center of the study。 Through systematic analysis of learners’ errors made in the possess second language acquisition, CA theory explores and researches characters and causes of language errors in order to avoid or reduce the occurrence of errors。

In the 1970s, Chinese researchers began to treat EA as an essential method in second language acquisition。 Instead of predicting the potential errors that learners may make, they focus on the description and explanation of all kinds of errors。 Therefore, they can have a clear idea about how learners acquire second language。 In this case, the newly elaborated methodological tool, EA, follows closely the psycholinguistic search for an alternative to the behaviorist's habit-formation theory of language acquisition-one that attempts to explain the essentially creative nature of the language acquisition process as described by Chomsky (1965)。 The theoretical linguistic basis of EA is Noam Chomsky’s Transformatioal-Geneative Grammar。 It suggests that language learning is a process of using language creatively。 And the psychological basis of EA is Language Acquisition Device which people didn’t treat learners’ errors as failures。

















