摘要 福克纳在《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中采用意识流技巧和时序颠倒等多种叙事手法,营造悬疑氛围亦塑造了艾米莉可怜又可悲的人物形象。初读时文末霍默的尸骨及旁边一缕铁锈色的白发令人寒毛耸立,再读时凌乱的时间顺序既成为阅读焦点,又使人疑惑不解,数遍细读后方知福克纳刻意打乱艾米莉无奈而又无助的一生,是为了隐藏起她的人物形象及变化。90134


Narrating with various techniques, such as skills of stream of consciousness and flashback, William Faulkner not only created the atmosphere of suspense, but also molded the poor and lamentable image of Emily。 The suddenly exposure of the body of Homer Barron with a long strand of iron-gray hair shock us at a first reading。 Then the bizarre and confusing chronological order continuously catches our reading attention。 After scrutiny, we gradually understand that Faulkner intentionally disturbed the helpless life of Emily for the sake of hiding her image。

This paper lifts the veils placed by Faulkner with kindness, and scrutinizes the fiction over right time order, in order to explore the image of Emily and townspeople and their conversion in different periods。 Meanwhile we will analyze the connection between their conversions。 源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

毕业论文关键词:《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》; 人物形象; 性格转变;叙述者

Keyword: A Rose for Emily; image; the conversion of character;narrator


0 Introduction 4

1。 The Death of Mr。 Grierson 10

  1。1 Emily: A New Start 11

  1。2 Townspeople: Two Classes 12

2。 The Intrusion of Homer Barron 12

  2。1 Emily: From Heaven to Hell 14

  2。2 Townspeople: Paradoxical but Understandable 14

3。 The Intrusion of Townspeople - the Smell Event 15

  3。1 Emily: Self-Isolation 16

  3。2 Townspeople: First Real Pity 16

4。 The China-Painting Class 17

  4。1 Emily: Indifferent but Insistent 18

  4。2 Townspeople: Unabiding Kindness 19

5。 The Tax visit 19

  5。1 Emily: Hold Up Last Grace 20

  5。2 Townspeople: Powerful but Impotent 21

6。 The Death of Emily Grierson 21

  6。1 Townspeople: The Identity of Narrator 21

  6。2 Emily: Influential over the Town 22

7 Conclusion 22

0 Introduction 来自优Y尔L论W文Q网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ7520~18766

William Faulkner was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1949 for “powerful and artistically unique contribution to the modern American novel”。 And as everyone knows, he is one of the most eminent South writers for the majority of his literary works are set in Yoknapatawpha County (fictitious), exposing the conflicts and contradictions in the South amid the turbulent times。 And there are some common features in his works。 In the first place, William Faulkner seems at times eager to unfold the limitations of bourgeois society even as he lauds the value of those who fall outside the middle-class society。 (Folks J, 2007) In the second place, bourgeois society appeared in an inauthentic and corrupt system seems to perpetuate injustices of all sorts, always at the expense of the weak and the powerless。 What’s more, he puts his longing for home in most of his works。 He re-imagined the actual place and its people, reconstituting them in and as writing in ways that met his immediate emotional needs。 (Watson J G, 1992)

















