Exploring the Different Effects of Different Translation Theories on Literary Translation

Abstract As one of the four tragedies, Hamlet is one of the most classic works of William Shakespeare。 Since its introduction to China in 1903, countless Chinese interpreters have translated it into several Chinese versions。 Among them, the versions of Zhu Shenghao and Liang Shiqiu are the most popularized and authorized ones。 Maybe because their family and educational backgrounds differ a lot, the two well-known translators have employed different translation theories in their own versions, which would obviously leads to the different effects on the literature work。 This dissertation is trying to make a comparison between these two versions, viewing from the different perspectives to demonstrate the different effects。89927

Keywords: Different translation theories, Different effects, Hamlet, Comparison, Zhu Shenghao, Liang Shiqiu



摘    要作为莎翁四大悲剧之一,《哈姆雷特》是莎翁经典的传世作品。自1903年引入中国以来,已被无数中国译者翻译成多个中文版本发行。这其中尤以朱生豪、梁实秋的译本最为权威、最为广为流传。朱、梁二人或许因出身学识等的差异,他们在翻译时采用了不同的翻译理论作为指导,这样,其翻译效果也会有所不同。本文尝试以这两个版本作对比,从多个视角下看待不同翻译理论对同一文学的翻译所产生的不同翻译效果,以此为日后的翻译学习做一个很好的借鉴。源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766



1。 Introduction 1

1。1 Background 1

1。2 Previous and Current Research 1

2。 Zhu and Liang’s Translation Theories 2

2。1 Zhu’s “Charm” 来自优Y尔L论W文Q网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ7520~18766 Theory 2

2。2 Liang’s Theory of “Retain the True Feelings” 2

3。 Comparison from Different Perspectives 3

3。1 From the Perspective of Theatrics 3

3。1。1 The Beauty of Rhyme 3

3。1。2 The Vulgarity 4

3。2 From the Perspective of Literature 6

3。2。1 The Pun 6

3。2。2 Free Translation VS。 Literal translation 7

4。 Epilogue 10

Reference 11

1。 Introduction

1。1 Background

According to the available information, since the year 1903, Shakespeare’s works have witnessed a more than 100-year-old experience of being translated, published and read in China。 They own an unparalleled status in the history of Chinese literary translation for the unprecedented huge scale of translation, the large number of translators, and the long duration of translation。 As far as the translation of Shakespeare’s dramas, there are more than 50 interpreters that have given their translated versions of these dramas, and Zhu Shenghao (1912-1944) and Liang Shiqiu (1903-1987) are two of the most outstanding ones among them。 As far as the quantity of the translated plays , as for Zhu, since its first publication in 1947, Zhu’s prose translation of Shakespeare’s plays has constantly been criticized for its mistranslation and the lack of blank verse in spite of constant praises for its elegance and smoothness。 However, his translation has been the most popular Chinese version of Shakespeare’s plays over sixty years and become one of the canonized literary translations in China and a model of transcultural communication and circulation。 And as for Liang, strongly affected by the writer, Hu Shi, his translation of Shakespeare’s works usually combines his own inpiduality。 But as a bourgeois scholar, his works were not wildly accepted at that time (1930s-1940s) in China。 It was not until recent years when his works were accepted by the academia and were researched by more and more scholars。 And he is also the first one who had translated all the plays of Shakespeare on his own。

















