The power of 1984:A study of Newspeak and Cyberspeak

Abstract With the development of Cyberspeak, arguments and concerns about it have never stopped。 One way to understand the impact and features of Cyberspeak is to consider another language ,Newspeak( that is predicated on elimination and abbreviation) , found in George Orwell's futuristic novel ,1984。 This paper aims to view Cyberspeak in a more objective perspective by a thorough comparison between Newspeak and Cyberspeak。 Also, a reason analysis will be given to the existing problems of Cyberspeak。 The paper was wrote to pay tribute to spectacular foresight of Orwell about 70 years ago and find referential implication for the evolution Cyberspeak and the whole society。90262

Keywords: Cyberspeak, Newspeak, 1984, comparison, implication


摘 要时下网络用语正在蓬勃发展,然而对于这一现象的争论与担忧也从未停止。通过研究乔治·奥威尔在未来主义小说《1984》中创造的一门新语言"新话"(一门据说会不断缩小自身词汇量从而消失的语言),或许可以更加清楚地知悉网络用语的特点与影响。本文通过比较新话与网络用语,得以从一个更加客观的视角审视当前网络用语的发展。同时,对于当前网络用语存在的问题进行原因浅析。文章旨在对于奥威尔于七十年前做出的伟大而又精准的设想致敬,并希望借此为目前的网络用语,甚至整个汉语文化发展方向提出参考性建议。源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网 原文+QQ75201,8766



1。 Introduction 1

1。1 Newspeak from the appendix to 1984 1

1。2 Cyberspeak 1

1。3 Significance of this paper 1

2。 Literature review 3

2。1 Relevant researches about the appendix to 1984 & Newspeak 3

2。2 Relationship bewteen languages and minds 3

2。3 Current researches about Cyberspeak at home and abroad 4

2。4 General rules of development history of languages (mutual effect) 4

2。5。 Collection and summary of Cyberspeak of last 10 years 5

3。 Comparison between Cyberspeak and Newspeak 9

3。1 Economy - the common principle of syntax 9

3。2 Unique jargon 10

3。3 Ambiguous definition and irresponsible 来自优Y尔L论W文Q网 加QQ7520~18766 generalization 10

4。 Reasons analysis 13

4。1 Critical difference - natural or man-made? 13

4。2 Things behind Cyberspeak 14

4。2。1 media 14

4。2。2 politics 14

4。3 Implication for the evolution of Cyberspeak and society 16

5。 Conclusion 17

References 18

1。      Introduction

1。1 Newspeak from the appendix to 1984

1984 by George Orwell, published in 1949 as a futuristic novel at that time, still has a great influence on the today's world。 The novel depicts a society where all the people were subjected to 24-hour surveillance, and their thoughts were controlled to ensure purity of the oligarchical system in place。 This novel is an anti-totalitarian cautionary tale about the betrayal of a revolution by its defenders。 While the astonishing plot and desperate ending offer good advice to politics, writers and linguists may have more interest on its Appendix, "The Principles of Newspeak。” 论文网

















