1。1 Research background 1

1。2 Significance of the research 1

1。3 Organization of the paper 2

Chapter2 Literature Review 3

2。1 The history of science 源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 fiction translation in China 3

2。2 Related researches on science fiction translation 4

Chapter3 Study of Coinage 5

3。1 The definition of coinage 5

3。2 The category of coinage 5

3。2。1 Old words with new meaning 5

3。2。2 Words formed by morphemes 6

3。2。3 Words formed by syllables 6

3。3 Relationship between the form and the sense 7

Chapter4 Strategies applied in coinage translation in Science Fiction 8

4。1 Difficulty in coinage translation 8

4。1。1 Lack of authoritative reference 8

4。1。2 Professional terms related to scientific knowledge 8

4。2 Strategies for old words with new meaning 8

4。2。1 Figuring out the source of the old words 8

4。2。2 Context related 9

4。3 Strategies for words formed by morphemes 10

4。3。1 Literal translation 10

4。3。2 Free translation 10

4。4 Strategies for words formed by syllables 12

4。4。1 Transliteration 12

4。4。2 Explanatory translation 13

4。4。3 Notes 14

Chapter5 Conclusion 15

5。1 Major findings 15

5。2 Suggestions while translating coinage in SF 15

References 16

Chapter1 Introduction

1。1 Research background

Recent years have seen the prosperous development of the science fiction with the promotion of science technology。 Nowadays science fiction is holding an increasingly important position in literacy。 In China, most of science fictions come from the west, hence some rational translation strategies are vital for the construction of language bridge between the east and west。 Coinage, as an important character of SF, should also be paid great attention while translating。来自优Y尔L论W文Q网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ7520~18766

In A Textbook of Translation, Newmark claims that neologisms are perhaps the non-literary and the professional translator’s biggest problem (2001:140)。 In literary, coinages are often created to express new concepts, especially in science fiction。 Actually, SF has become the literary genre where coinages are most frequently seen。 To some extent, coinage has become one of major characters of SF。 However, it seems that there are few scholars attach importance to the translation of coinage, and even science fiction。 When I search on CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) with science fiction’s translation as keywords, there are just 922 articles related to that。 When I replace the keywords with coinage translation in SF translation, there are only 209 articles relevant。 The theory of coinage translation has not been systematically formed。 In China, Professor GuoJianzhong is one of famous scholar who specializes in the study and translation of science fiction。 Until now Mr。 Guo has published monograph and thesis with more than one million words, and won CarelCapek Prize in 1991。 As for translation, he suggests that since the science fiction belongs to literary works, the principle of the science fiction translation ought to be in line with those of the literary works。 And Professor Guo summarizes that the criteria of the SF translation includes literariness, scientificity and popularity。 论文网












