2。 Literature Review

     During the twenty-first century, people had a growing interest in the reasons for Sue’s marriage tragedy in Jude the Obscure。 As for the reasons for the tragedy of Sue, domestic and foreign scholars have done a lot of research。 Huang Zhouxia mainly analyzes the reasons from the social environment, religious factors, family factors and the ideas of determinism of  the author。 Liu Xiuzhi focuses on the fatalism。 People are not doomed to escape the shackles of the fate。 This fate will eventually lead to the misfortune of life。 And ordinary people will not be successful without surrender to the fate。 And Peng Xiaochun explains the reasons for the tragedy from feminism。 Men were dominant over women in western countries during the past。来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766

     At the same time, with the development of economy and the progress of the society, the concept of people for marriage is changing, which has led to the rising of porce rate and has contributed to a series of social problems。 The object of this paper is to explore the other deeper reasons for Sue’s marriage tragedy from the aspects of personality, lack of sense of belongings, material basis and the religion。 

3。 The Reasons for Sue’s Marriage Tragedy 

Thomas Hardy is an outstanding writer in the late nineteenth century。 And Sue was the heroine who had complex characters in Hardy’s books。 She was the second wife of Jude。 At the beginning of their marriage, Sue had the determination to live a happy life and she was brave enough to pursue the freedom of marriage。 However, Sue did not fight against the reality of society to the last。 Sue’s thoughts and actions reflected the feminist movement at that time。 Sue was more acute than Jude, but she lacked bravery and persistence to stand up to the evil。 Admittedly, there are many reasons for Sue’s tragedy。 This part reveals the causes of Sue’s Tragedy from the heroine’s personality, lack of sense of belongings around her, material basis and the religion。

3。1 Sue’s personality

     Personality plays an important role in people’s marriage。 It seemed that Sue was optimistic, but actually she was not so strong and optimistic in the heart。 And her heart was too fragile to fight for freedom(Huang 91)。 The idea that the relationship between couples was disharmonious grew up in her mind。 Consequently Sue thought that marriage was not equal to happiness, and she was afraid of marriage in adulthood。 She opposed to the marriage without love。 She held the view that marriage was a dirty deed。 And the so-called legal marriage system was simply vulgar。 As a result, she rejected traditional marriage。 Sue met her true love later, but she only agreed to keep the cohabitation relationship with Jude instead of the paper marriage。 She was worried that marriage would become the tomb of love。 Sue thought that she was not lucky in marriage, and the hint of bad marriage led to real marriage tragedy。 At the same time, the formation of personality is affected by the living environment more or less。 Sue grew up in a broken family and the lack of father’s love led to her fragility(Huang 91) 。 So there were fatal flaws in her characters。 And it was not strange for Sue to be easy to compromise。论文网

     Sue was a giant on the language and a dwarf on the action。 Her feelings were easily suppressed。 As long as someone else had the opposed advice, she would not say anything。 Her will to insist was not firm enough( Huang 91)。 She often regretted for her doings from time to time。 Sue once bought two naked statues and she admired them all night。 In order to prevent others from seeing, she deliberately left the two statues wrapped up。 This showed that her heart and her faith were deviant。 And she was affected by the traditional Christian spirit too much。 It can be said that Sue had fear of some teachings of Christianity。 As a transgressive person, her apostasy was not complete。 Sue broke the rules of the normal school that close communication with man was prohibited。 So Sue was sentenced to be closed in a room for a week。 However, Sue jumped out of the back window of the room in which she had been confined。 However, she was willing to go back on the condition that the principal had her back at the school。 It was obvious that Sue regretted her violation of school rules。 This also showed Sue’s duality and contradiction in characters。 Her determination to resist was not firm enough。 This character can also be reflected in the marriage and it led to the tragedy。 Sue couldn’t put up with the life without love with Phillotson and wanted to leave with Jude。 But Sue also said that she would never go privately without Mr。 Phillotson’s permission。 Sue had the spirit of pursuit of freedom。 However, she lacked the determination to put it into practice。

















