Abstract The treatment focuses on the traditional therapy so as to design a cultural confliction between China and the West 。This movie depicts the process from cultural confliction to cultural integration ,which shows the trend of this time is globally cultural confliction and integration 。In the process of cultural globalization ,we cannot avoid different cultural confliction。 There are many gaps between Chinese culture and Western culture, such as difference in family affection ,difference in friendship, difference in thinking model ,and difference in legal concept 。In this paper, I want to analyze these differences from this movie 。Besides, I want to present the the origination of the Chinese culture and Western culture so as to explain these difference90958

Keywords: Gua Sha ,culture,difference,confliction,intergration

摘要 电影《刮痧》以传统中医疗法“刮痧”为焦点设计了一场中美文化的冲突。通过 对中美文化从冲突走向融合的过程的描述,揭示了全球文化的冲突和融合是时代 发展的趋势。在文化全球化发展的进程中,不同的文化难免会产生冲突。中西文 化在亲情,友情,思维模式 思维模式,法律观念等多个方面存在这隔阂。在本文 中,我将会阐释分析这些方面的不同,同时也会展示中西方文化的起源,进而分 析中西方文化差异的原因。



1。 Introduction 1

2。 Review of This Movie 1

3。 The Difference in Family Affection 2

3。1 The Difference in Education on Children 2

3。2。The Difference in Filial Piety 4

4。 the Difference in Friendship 5

5。 The Difference in Thinking Model 6

6。1 the Origination of Western Culture and Chinese Culture 8

6。2 the Structure of Western Culture and Chinese Culture 9

Work Cited 13

1。 Introduction

With the development of globalization, we may encounter different culture in our daily life, every country and people has his own special cultural deposits ,and affect its citizens’ way of thinking and way of behavior。 Owing to the distinction of cultural background ,China and America have different way of thinking ,interpersonal relationship ,and legal concepts 。people are accustomed to weigh the way of thinking of other people based on their own cultural standard 。Cultural difference leads to cultural confliction ,so we cannot avoid contradiction and confliction ,but owing to this confliction ,we can finally get the goal of cultural meager 。We can deem the cultural confliction as the one of process of cultural meager 。Gua Sha is a movie that explain the difference    and    confliction    in    the    communication    between    Chinese  and West ,meanwhile ,it stresses the possibility of solving these conflictions 。Cultural misunderstanding is not horrible ,what really terrible is that the distortion and exaggeration of cultural misunderstanding 。In our daily life ,we should learn and understand the culture of other country and people ,and respect culture mutually。 we

















