Abstract As the carrier of culture, language directly reflects the current situation of all aspects of society, and is affected and restrained by the social status。 American slangs are a kind of informal, non-written language, which play an increasingly important role in people's daily life。 Different slangs of different social groups become widely accepted by the public and then form a popular form of slangs。 As a special cultural carrier, American slangs reflect the authentic American English style and the Native American culture。 Through the study of American slangs, we can more deeply understand the native culture of the United States, as well as its national characteristics to improve our cross-cultural communication skills。 This article will analyze the cultural phenomena of American slangs from the definition and characteristics, the background and causes and the social function and the cultural conditions。92200

Key Words: slangs; culture; communication; sub culture

摘要作为文化的载体,语言直接反映着社会各个层面的现状,并且受社会现状的影响以及制约。美国俚语是一种非正式非书面的语言形式,在人们的日常生活中,履行着越来越重要的交际功能。而各个不同的社会群体又有着各自不同的俚语,各群体使用的俚语被大众广泛采纳后,又形成了一种大众化的俚语形式。作为一种特殊的文化载体,美国俚语体现着地道的美国本土英语的风格,并且直接反映了美国的本土社会文化。通过研究美国俚语,我们能够更加深刻的认识到美国的本土文化以及其民族特点,提高我们的跨文化交际能力。本文将从俚语的定义和特点,俚语产生的背景以及原因,俚语的社会功能和产生的文化条件来分析美国俚语中的文化现象。源F于K优B尔C论V文N网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752^018766



1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

2。1 Definition of slangs 1

2。2 Background of American slangs 2

3。 Present Conditions of American Slangs 4

3。1 Basic characteristics of American slangs 4

3。2 Social functions of Americans 5

3。3 Social and cultural functions of American slangs 7

4。 Prospects of American slangs 8

5。 Conclusion 9

Works Cited 10

1。 Introduction论文网

Language and society interact with each other。 Slangs is a variation of not only  language but also society。 As a variant of American English, American slangs play a decisive role in American English。 With the development and perfection of American English, the study of American slangs can help us have a deeper understanding of American English and American culture。 This article will analyze the cultural phenomena of American slangs from the definition and characteristics, the background and causes and the social function and the cultural conditions。

2。 Literature Review文献综述

As one of the most important language, slangs plays an essential role in our daily life and communication。 American slangs shows the national characteristics and social culture of the United States。 A large number of papers analyze the American slangs from many aspects such as the origin, the features, pragmatic functions, social functions。 “Slang Development” written by Gui Hongmei, researches the characteristics and reasons of American slangs development。 It is of great use for us to learn about the American society and culture。 On her view, many factors make the fact that slangs items can be accepted by people。 On one hand, slangs reflect the similar or same standard of social value。 On the other hand, slangs show their desire for keeping a good relationship with other people。 In the paper “The Socioculture Conditions of American Slangs Origination” written by Wang Qian, the writer gives some ideas that American slangs are the unique spiritual civilization of the American slangs, moreover people in other countries can regard American slangs as a method for them to learn more about American culture。 Although American slangs come from the subculture groups and some are even regarded as taboos, we can’t deny that the appearance and development of the society, and it also helps us to understand the culture and society of the United States。(该部分提到的人名在文尾应有标注其作品)

















