Abstract This thesis is based on the studies of teaching English vocabulary and context theory。 As is widely known, vocabulary is one of the three basic components, and is of utmost importance to people’s communication and language learning。 Vocabulary acquisition plays a central role in learning a second language。 We can get different meanings by putting words in different situations。 This thesis analyses the existing problems in present high school’s vocabulary teaching。 And it explains the importance of the application of the context theory in teaching vocabulary。 The thesis lists some advantages of the application of context theory in teaching vocabulary。 In order to improve the English vocabulary teaching, this paper discusses how to strengthen the vocabulary teaching with the application of context theory。 In this paper, the author takes the students’ study habit into consideration and creates context by using the visible image in courseware design。 And the author uses various context theory to present vocabulary, consolidate vocabulary, apply vocabulary and test vocabulary, aims to increase students’ interest and initiative in studying vocabulary。 92068

Keywords: Context theory; teaching vocabulary; vocabulary acquisition; application of context theory

摘要 本文是以词汇教学研究为基础,众所周知,词汇是人类交流和语言学习的三大基础组成部分之一,也是对此最为重要的因素。词汇习得在我们学习外语时起到很重要的作用。就词汇教学而言,将单词放入不同的情景里我们可以得到不同的意思。这篇文章分析了在词汇教学方面存在的一些问题并解释了词汇教学中语境理论的重要性。并列举了一些运用语境理论进行词汇教学的优点。为了改善现在中学的词汇教学,此文还探讨了如何运用语境理论来强化词汇教学。在词汇教学中,充分考虑学生的学习特点,在课件设计中联系直观的语境,来创设语境,呈现词汇之间的联系。并通过各种语境理论来呈现词汇,巩固词汇,运用词汇,检测词汇,以此来提高学生学习词汇积极主动性。

毕业论文关键词:语境理论;词汇教学;词汇习得;语境理论运用 源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766


1。 Introduction1

1。1 The background of the study。。。1

1。2 The purpose of the study。2

1。3 The significance of the study。。2

2。 Literature Review3

2。1 The context theory。。。。。。。。。。。。。。3

2。2 The vocabulary teaching。。。。。6

3。 The Application of Context Theory in Vocabulary Teaching。。。。8

3。1 The application of linguistic context 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。8

3。2 The application of non-linguistic context 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。11

4。 Conclusion。。。。。。12

Works Cited。。。14

1。 Introduction 来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766

We all know that vocabulary is the building material, and vocabulary is essential to a language。 Language starts from vocabulary, vocabulary is the premise of learning listening, speaking, reading, writing and so on。 And the vocabulary teaching is the basis of cultivating students’ comprehensive ability and an important part of English teaching。 Teachers are also attaching great importance to English vocabulary teaching。 However, there are some teachers who teach the vocabulary in the traditional methods to isolate the vocabulary from the context。 Thus, even though the students learned a lot of vocabulary, they cannot write a perfect sentence, let alone communicate in English properly。 With the increasing demand for students’ communicative competence。 English teachers should pay attention to this important issue and explore how to apply context theory to English vocabulary teaching。
















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