摘要《红楼梦》是一部见仁见智的伟大的文学经典。本文结合美国学者L。Venuti 提出的归化和异化理论,从人名和谚语的翻译来对比分析《红楼梦》的两个经典英译本, 分别是杨宪益夫妇和大卫·霍克斯( David Hawkes)翻译的,试图探索他们在处理翻译文化因素时策略选择上的差异。分析结果表明,尽管他们在翻译过程中都采用了归化和异化策略,但均有其各自的倾向性。在处理翻译文化因素时,杨宪益夫妇主要采用异化翻译,而霍克斯则更倾向于归化策略。92346



1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

2。1 The definition of domestication and foreignization 2

2。2 Arguments between domestication and foreignization 3

2。3 Foreignization and domestication VS literal translation and free translation


3。 The Translations of Names in Hong Lou Meng 5

3。1 A general introduction to the translation of names 5

3。2 The analysis of names in the two translations 5

4。 The Translations of Proverbs in Hong Lou Meng 8

4。1 A general introduction to the translation of proverbs 8

4。2 Foreignization of proverbs in the two translations 9

4。3 Domestication of proverbs in the two translations 10

5。 Conclusion 11

Works Cited 13

1。 Introduction 

Hong Lou Meng, which is one of Chinese greatest classic works, has been translated into English and many other languages。 The earliest English translation could be found at the beginning of the 19th century in a letter written by an English priest called Robert Morrison。 After some decades, some other translations gradually appeared, mainly involved in just several chapters of Hong Lou Meng。 It was until 1970s that a complete translation version appeared。 It was translated by David Hawkes, together with his son-in-law John Minford (the first 80 chapters was translated by Hawkes)。 Their translation was entitled The Story of the Stone。 

Another complete translation was finished by Yang Hsien-yi and his wife Gladys Yang at the end of 1970s。 They titled their translation A Dream of Red Mansions。 

Both of these two versions are highly praised by their readers。 Hawkes’ translation is regarded as one of the best modern translation works by newspapers and even it is also considered as the milestone in the translation of Chinese literary works。 On the other hand, Yang’s translation is faithful to the original novel。 Owing to its beautiful language and his serious attitude, it is popular among readers around the world。 Moreover, A Dream of Red Mansions is referred as the most complete and the most accurate translation work。 来自优O尔P论R文T网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520`18766

As is said to be a great encyclopedia of Chinese culture, Hong Lou Meng involves nearly every aspects of Chinese culture。 To some extent, we can say that a person who doesn't thoroughly understand Chinese traditional literature cannot actually appreciate this work。 Thus, it is challenging for translators to translate those cultural factors into English or other languages。 Studies on the translation of Hong Lou Meng have become a popular topic both at home and abroad since recent decades。 What’s more, comparative studies of the translations of Hong Lou Meng are countable, because these translations differ in many aspects, such as names, colors, proverbs, etc。 A Dream of Red mansions and The Story of the Stone appeared nearly at the same time, so the two translations deserve comparative researches in terms of their differences and similarities。 Although the Yangs and Hawkes both adopt foreignization and domestication, each has his own preference。 It is necessary for translators to conduct a comparative study of the Chinese original novel and its English versions by the Yangs and Hawkes。 By means of such study, some brilliant insights will be obtained for the perfection of future study of Hong Lou Meng as well as its translated versions。

















